Cute neighbor?: chapter two

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We arrived at our new home, me and Tom started to move boxes into our rooms. Our bathroom were connected to eachothers room, so we're sharing? Yay! I guess, my dad built our beds, at our old home me and Tom would sleep together when our parents weren't home. This time no one would be home but Tom went to explore the town all nights. the only sport Minnesota plays is Hockey. I would be going to Eden hall academy. So fancy ugh! I unpacked all my pictures with Celeb and ale. I was still confused on what me and ale were but it was probably just a kiss goodbye. I spent all night putting stuff away. I put the empty boxes in the attic, I got ready for bed so I could get up and explore.

I woke up to loud music playing. I groan as I get out of my bed. I hear the bathroom door open that's on my room. ( you share a bathroom with Tom.the bathroom has to sinks, a bath, a shower, one closet where towels go, and one of those little rooms for the Toilet). Tom came in " morning grumpy head" he said. I flicked him off, I walked towards him and pushed him in the bathroom, I closed the door annoyed. I got ready.

I wore a brown crop top with light blue jeans with converse. I put on my rings and necklaces. I had already put my ear rings on. I walked out my room, I went down stairs and walked in the kitchen, my mother was cooking. It rare when she does. Usually it's me and that cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone since my moms to busy with work. My dad doesn't know  how to cook, one time when he was stuck babysitting me and Tom. He burnt the water he was boiling. It crazy I know. We were all served and I ate quickly, I thanked my mom for the food.

I was walking out the house when a family was approaching the door. " oh hi" I said. The woman smiled at me. " hello I'm miss banks, you're neighbor. I was coming here with my son and husband to welcome you and you're family to the neighborhood. Welcome!" She said. She looked like a very happy woman. I gave her a smile" thank you miss banks, I'm y/n
Baker " I said. " Adam why don't you introduce yourself to this young lady" she said turning around to her son.

he memorized me. His blue eyes, he had a middle part with blonde beautiful hair, I walked towards me " hi, I'm Adam banks" he said. He put his hand out waiting for me to shake it " I'm y/n baker." I said shaking his hand.

His hands were a little cold, they were soft and clammy, "well who have you met y/n" my brother said walking out the house. I looked at Tom, "Tom these people are our neighbors, that's miss banks, mister banks and their son Adam banks" I said. "Hi I'm tom baker,y/n's brother. what a pleasure to meet you guys" my brother said shaking their hands one by one. " Tom is that right" mister banks asked tom. "Yes sure"
My brother said.

"You play hockey?" Mister banks asked my brother, "I'm not really a fan of hockey. I'm more of a baseball guy" my brother explained, "you like cars" mister banks asked. I wonder why he's asking him questions, " yes sir, I was actually on my way to fix our parents car. Oil change" my brother said showing his materials, "let me help you" he said. Tom agreed and they both headed to the car, " looks like you're father will be busy for hours" miss banks said to Adam.

Adam looked at my brother and mister banks, "well I'll be on my way, today I'm exploring the town" I said breaking the silence. Adam and his mother looked at me " yes of course, goodbye y/n" she said Adam waved at me and I waved back. I started to walk out of the neighborhood, while I was walking to the mall across the street I saw a hockey team in they're skates.

I got inside the mall and went to this store that had lots of pretty pants and shirts. I bought a couple things. I was walking to find the food court when I saw the same hockey team. One of the guys looked familiar, i walked beside them and took a quick glance at the guy. It was my cute neighbor Adam.

"Y/N" I heard him shout. I turn around and walked over to him. " hi Adam" I said. " y/n, meet my friends" he said. "Hi I'm Goldberg" one said. " I'm Charlie Conway, almost six foot, non smoking Leo" he said, " I'm guy Germaine, that's my girlfriend Connie" he said pointing the a girl with brown hair. " I'm Connie Moreau" she said. I have her a smile. " I'm Fulton reed, this is my bash bro Dean Portman" the guy said pointing at the tall guy with a bandanna on this head.

" I'm Russ Tyler" " I'm ken wu, the left out bash brother". " I'm Jesse hall" " I'm Julie gaffeny" the blonde girl said. "I'm Luis Mendoza". They all had really nice names, " im y/n baker I said. " why don't you hang out with me and Julie" Connie said. "Wait why can't she hangout with all of us" Goldberg said."because you're all dorks, come on y/n" Connie said. I looked at Adam."it's fine y/n, maybe we'll hang another time" he said. I nodded and went with the girls.

"So how'd you and Adam meet" Julie asked. " He's my neighbor" I said. " so you're rich ?" Julie said. " i wouldn't call myself rich, it's just my parents have been working ever since they were sixteen nonstop, then my mother got pregnant with my brother, but they never stop working, not even my mom even tho my father told her too, they saved up all their money to provide food and shelter for my brother. Few years later I came along and they had too priorities to take care of. So along the years my parents go on business trips all the time in order to have us healthy, so technically the only and I kite were 'rich' is because of the money they've saved" I explained to the girls. " sorry for the mix up y/n" Julie said. " it's fine, I get it a lot so no biggie" I told her. We went into a book store. "Y/n I gotta question" Connie said. "Yeah, Anything" I told her.


Baby girl |Adam banks Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz