New New Alchemist

Start from the beginning

"The end of your cycle," he answered. "You slept through it all."

"Best sleep ever," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Tyler flat?"

"Tyler flat," he nodded. "Rose wanted to bring you here."

"Did I smell tea?"

"Yes, you did," he chuckled, handing her the mug. She took a grateful sip, her eyes sparking awake more, and the color returned to her cheeks more. "How do you feel?"

"Like I just got shot," she answered, getting the kinks out of her neck. "And . . . decidedly less soldierlike."

The Doctor grinned. "No offense, but you don't look soldierlike, either."

"Thanks, Doctor," the Alchemist rolled her eyes, but she held a much more teasing tone now. "You haven't changed a bit."

There was a faint squeak, then the sound of running feet, and a disheveled Rose ran into the room, her eyes wide. "Ali!" she gasped, running to the other side of the bed to hug her. "You're awake!"

"Hi, Rose," the Alchemist laughed, giving her a strong hug. "Did you just wake up, too?"

"Yeah," Rose nodded, sitting down and brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Heard the Doctor talking, then heard you."

The Alchemist nodded, then held out a bit of her hair pointedly. "I'm seeing a family resemblance here."

Rose blushed. "We noticed, too."

"Well, it's not going to seem so weird now calling you my sister, huh?" the Alchemist winked.

Rose laughed. "No, it won't be."

The Doctor smiled. "I'm going to check on the TARDIS," he said, kissing the Alchemist on the forehead. "Don't cause any trouble while I'm out."

"Me?" The Alchemist gave him a wide-eyed look. "I would never."

The Doctor stared at her before huffing and walking out, shaking his head when he heard Rose's insane giggling.


"I'm just glad you're all right, sweetheart," Jackie told the Alchemist, giving her a strong hug before they left.

"Good to be alive, Jackie," the Alchemist smiled at her. "Thanks for the tea."

"No trouble," Jackie assured her with a smile.

"Alice? Rose?" The Doctor poked his head out of the TARDIS. "We're ready to go."

"On our way!" Rose called. "Bye, Mum," she smiled, hugging Jackie.

"Bye, sweetheart," Jackie hugged her tightly.

The Alchemist grabbed Rose's hand, and grinning, the two blondes ran into the TARDIS. The Doctor looked up from what he was working on to grin at the two, the Alchemist heading off to find the wardrobe, Rose smiling in delight. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?" he asked.

"With two of us?" Rose grinned. "Oh, yes, you are."


"I think this looks good."

The Doctor and Rose looked over as the Alchemist hopped up onto the grating, holding out her arms and twirling experimentally. The Doctor grinned, looking her up and down. "Beautiful," he promised.

She beamed, stopping her twirl. She was wearing a pale yellow sleeveless blouse with white jeans and a black belt. Her shoes of choice were brown horseback riding boots to her knees, laced up all the way, and she was wearing a white jean jacket as well. Her hair had been pulled in a high ponytail, and she had white sunglasses on her head. Rose grinned. "Definitely my sister," she stated.

The Alchemist laughed and ran up. The Doctor grabbed her arm and swung her around, kissing her breathless. She pulled back first, blinking. "Oh . . . right."

"What?" the Doctor asked, concerned, Rose tilting her head in confusion.

"New lips," the Alchemist answered with a twinkle in her eyes. "I have to get used to them."

"Need some help?" the Doctor smirked.

"Wouldn't mind," she grinned.

With a laugh, the Doctor kissed her again, Rose giggling like a schoolgirl. When they finally pulled away, the Alchemist was grinning giddily. "Where are we going?" she asked in excitement.

The Doctor smirked. "Anywhere and everywhere," he answered, winking and pulling down a lever.

The blondes whooped as the TARDIS took off, the TARDIS humming around them.

As Rose talked excitedly with the Doctor, the Alchemist's smile started to fade for the first time since she'd woken up. She looked down at her hand, laid it on the console . . . and watched as the golden Vortex swirled around her hand.


So I hope it's already pretty obvious this Alchemist is going to be much more fun than the Ninth Alchemist was. I chose Dianna Agron because she was only a bit younger, thought she suited the Tenth Doctor, looked like Rose, and the characters she has portrayed have been through quite a lot . . . like this one will go through. }:) Because she's got "Doomsday," the Master, and Martha to go through.

Yes, this Alchemist will be all through Season 3. I will not say if she will be here for Season 4, though. However . . . I think there's one other person that has been in the Doctor Who universe that Dianna Agron looks quite a bit like . . . but I don't think the person actually appeared in Doctor Who. Maybe in another place . . . *hint hint* If someone guesses it, I'm gonna be blown away and maybe even say which Pond will be the most important to Ali. ;)

I'll try and get "Love and Monsters" up as soon as I can! Shouldn't take too long, concentrating only on the trio's POV, but we'll see. :)

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