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It didn't take long to invite doom in this flaming abode. He could still feel the flickering flare from behind. A constant reminder of how much more they'd have to endure to even hope to not be cooked alive.

The Ennard was quick to react to their attempted escape, though Elizabeth's sheer size allowed for a significant barrier. With a just a bit of her leg, this mess of wires was sent flying.

"I finally don't feel you in my head...Mr. Afton..." With her only arm clutching the charred remains of the claw, she quickly made sure to toss it. Straight down as the hydraulics shot forth a javelin of torched steel.

Though, Ballora merely pushed the wheelchair bound man slightly out of the way...becoming pinned to the ground. Her torso destroyed as bits of that endomesh starting to lay about from the damage. Almost like entrails spilling...

No time for that. I need to find somewhere to rest, lingered in his head. From everything that had happened, the adrenaline was starting to run out.

Jeremy's body ached and started a growing fatigue that made every step a labor. No doubt Mike was also feeling some pain from his own injuries, his own fight for survival.

Down below as Mike was trying to help Jeremy off the railing, he could see Afton was fiddling around his wheelchair. A small rectangular box barely the size of an average calculator was popped open. A tiny little needle glinted at the blonde's eyes.

"It's clear I can't allow anyone to threaten my endeavors. Nobody. This...this a scientific advancement bordering on the mystical. It can't be fathomed by such weak-minded fools, but I understood it. I've been at it for decades, piecing together how Henry's daughter continued to linger, and I solved it. Me!" Quickly the crippled man stood tall, a syringe in hand jabbing himself into his own neck. A brief glitter of violet radiated his veins. "I'll be sure to bury the lot of you under this rubble!"

"What the hell kind of drugs did he just take?"

"Blank remnant...how do you think he gets to look so healthy in public?"

"...Plastic surgery?" He half joked. Jeremy was slowly being led by the man as the one armed Elizabeth made her way ahead of them.

The walkway they found themselves on was creaking thanks to the weight of a metallic monstrosity currently trudging along. A few cables that hanged around the walkway were straining. Cracks forming in the anchor points; Elizabeth herself was taking notes eying them periodically.

"...apologies. Hydraulics and machinery typically aren't the lightest. I am...an older model too..."

"Glad this chick isn't sensitive about her weight..."

"Like you, Mike?" Jeremy smirked. It felt rather...good to joke. Even now as they could hear many forces converging around them.

"Hah! Right into that one...ugh..." Mike winced. His arm was staring to blister from being grasped by flaming metal and plastic. Looked rather bad.

Though his worry about his mediums friend's well-being would have to wait as the Ennard once again appeared above them. Digging into the ceiling to crawl towards a blind spot.

Elizabeth was once again quick to catch the creature and swing him into the wall. The blaze jumped from behind it, a few embers popping in from the collapse. Ennard for it's part quickly jumped back onto the walkway.

Mike quickly escorted the young teen between the legs of the animatronic hoping to at least get them far away. The Ennard for it's part chose to instead stick to the ceiling.

"You will be dismantled, Circus Baby,"

"That isn't my name. Not really,"

Quickly did the Ennard hop to the nearest cable. Jeremy knew exactly why. It noticed the same problem from having Elizabeth tag along. Smart enough to capitalize on that weakness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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