
"Thanks y/n, you're a lifesaver!" Aimee applauds you and scribbles down the answers to a maths question.
"Yeh no problem Aims." You answer bluntly, returning to your previous state, staring mindlessly into space.

The rest of the class carries on this way. Aimee noticing your lack of enthusiasm to talk tries working out her own maths, by herself. You block out the sound of her constant scribbling, listening only to the tic of the clock as you watch the minutes slip away.

The bell rings and without a word you grab your things and head out to find Otis and Eric; who normally don't have a class, so they attempt to study together. However as you round the corner you spot them both engaged in a rather uncomfortable looking conversation with Jackson, who seems to quickly hand Otis something before practically running away.

"Why was Jackson talking to you two?" you ask pointing to them both and raising an eyebrow.
"He wanted to ask Otis a question!" Eric interjects loudly, causing numerous infuriated heads to turn at the disturbed silence.

Looking between the two of them, Otis looking at Eric in utter confusion and Eric looking like he was about to have some sort of breakdown. He shuffled awkwardly in his seat, not looking up from the ground.

"The question being...?" you pull up a chair and take a seat across from them.
"He wanted to-"
"...to know if Otis was still a virgin!" Eric interiors interrupts, "it was a dare..." he says shrugging.
"Right," you give Eric a puzzled look, "And what did he hand you, Otis?"
"He- he handed me- um..." the bell rings, "Oh would you look at that, gotta go." he stammers, packing away his books, "I'm late!"
"The bell just went..." you say following him with your eyes as he darts around the small space.
"Clinic stuff!" He yells, already halfway out of the room.

Eric sighs dramatically as he stands up, slowly packing away his books, "Just the thing I'm not apart of, with my two friends..."
"E, we're you're only friends..." you say putting him lightly in the shoulder.
"Oh you're still here..." he turns to face you, with the worst fake sad face you've ever seen, "Thought you would've gone with Otis, clinic stuff and all."

You let out a loud burst of laughter, and his serious 'sad' face cracks for a split second, causing you to laugh even harder. Eric can't hold back his laughter as his eyes start watering, the two of you in fits of hysterics in the study room, being shushed by almost everyone.

"Okay but don't you have to go too?" He asks, your laughter dying down.
"Shit, yeh." You grab your backpack and sprint out of the door, "Don't be too disheartened E, you're still super busy and all!" You call from out the door.


Rushing outside and to the schools PE area, you spot Maeve, cigarette in hand leaning against a wall on the stairs. Wearing one of the two jackets she claims to be irreplaceable, and a mid blue button up. You hear her bracelets rattle as she rest the cigarette between her lips.

"Shit, sorry I'm late." You shout, jumping down the last few steps, "I had a thing..."

You rest both arms on the wall, staring directly in front of you. To your right you can feel Maeve burning holes into the side of your head.

"Good thing one of you turned up on time." She turns to look over at Otis who's sat with two girls.
"What's the problem with them then?" You ask, still not daring to look at her.
"Sex problems." She shrugs.
"Well no shit Sherlock." You remark, "He is Moordale's Lanky Teenager Sex Therapist."

She lightly punches you in the arm, you wince dramatically, "God Wiley, I thought you were smarter than that."
"Shut up dickhead." Out of the corner of your eye you see her soft smile and you can't help but look at her, "Looks like that's over." She motions to the two girls leaving quickly.
"Damage control is en route." You stand and salute before marching down the steps.
"You're such a muppet." Maeve laughs behind you.

We Get It, You're Mean - Maeve Wiley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now