◓1: Pills◒

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Hinata shot up out of his sleep when he heard a loud crash from downstairs, quickly followed by shouting and a shattering sound.

"I wonder who's throwing stuff this time?" He thought bitterly as he slid out of bed to check the time on his phone. 

2:59 PM

Hinata did a double take and read it again. "Did I take to many Lunesta pills yesterday?" He asked no-one in particular, but he was confused considering he usually sleeps until 12:00. 

Another crash was heard and he decided he should probably check it out. He headed to the stairs and had to duck when a lamp flew over his head and shattered behind him. He looked at the scene in front of him, the tv was broken, along with the lights in the ceiling fan, his mom had a glass plate in her hand while his dad had his arms up, covering his face to defend himself.

"CALM DOWN YOU CRAZY BITCH!" His dad yelled putting his hands down.

"CRAZY BITCH!?" His mother shrieked throwing the glass plate at his dad. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO?!"

Hinata sighed as he walked pass them and headed for the kitchen to make some food for Natsu, who was sitting on the floor playing on her iPad.

Another shattering sound was heard, making Natsu flinch and Shoyo turn around to see what was thrown this time. A glass mug.

"Whatcha playing Natsu?" Hinata asked, trying to keep his and her mind off of his parents fighting.

"BreakBuild!" Natsu said, happily looking up at her older brother.

"What's it about?" Hinata asked, reaching into the almost empty fridge and pulling out the milk from the back, another bang was heard throughout the house.

"I can build houses and make animal friends!" Natsu replied happily, standing up to show her brother the stone hut she made.

Hinata looked down at Natsu and the iPad and gave her a smile, "That's a good house Natsu!"


"Definitely!" Hinata said reaching for the cereal only to be met with a sharp pain to his head.

"PUT THAT UP! I DIDN'T BUY THAT FOR IT TO BE WASTED ON UNGRATEFUL CHILDREN LIKE YOU!" His mother screamed at him, while Natsu dropped her iPad and hid behind him.

Hinata winced as he touched his forehead, nothing was bleeding but it hurt like hell. Hinata crouched down to Natsu's level, and picked her up, trying to ignore the pain in his skull,

"Do you want to go out to eat Natsu?" Shoyo asked wanting to get her out of the house before she got hurt too, as well as spend sometime with here before doing what he's been planning for days.

Natsu gave a small nod, so Hinata ran past his parents and up the stairs, still holding the small girl, so both of them could get changed.

"Go put some clothes on okay?" Hinata told Natsu with a smile. The moment she was out of sight his smile disappeared and he walked to his room, hearing something fall downstairs.

He looked through his closet, deciding he didn't want to wear one of his dresses or skirts today, and settled on a hoodie with some jeans and sneakers.

 He put on a white long sleeved undershirt and then his short sleeved pastel blue hoodie with a white volleyball on the front. He pulled on some black jeans along with black and white sneakers. He grabbed his phone, and wallet and when into the hallway to wait for Natsu.

Natsu came out wearing a plain white t-shirt with a light blue overall type skirt. She had on black leggings and white sneakers. 

"You ready to go Natsu?" Hinata asked picking her up.

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