Chapter 14

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Once we made it to the office I closed the door and sat down in the desk chair as they all nervously sat down. "Okay... what's happening?" I asked both nervously and seriously. They all looked around at each other and I sighed. "I'm not going to be upset, I just need you all to be honest with me okay? If you don't want to act like I'm a soon to be Luna then look at me like... an older sister? Okay?" They nodded and that seemed to make them relax but Cameron was still uneasy. "A couple of us found our mates." Cameron said and I looked at him. "Which ones?" I asked "All of us except Silas." Katie answered and Silas whined. I giggled softly "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed but that whine got the better of me. However, what's the problem with that?" They looked at each other

"My mate is a human." Katie said

"My mate is in another pack." Cameron said

"My mate won't talk to me." Ethan said

"My mate is an Alpha to be of another pack.." Ashely said

"For some reason they just got transferred from a different high school due to them closing. There's a couple more coming... but I think there's something different with my mate.." Ethan said and I raised an eyebrow. "Like?" "She's not human.. and I don't know what she is." "What does she smell like?" I asked and he sighed "That's the problem. I come anywhere close to her. She's runs away. I got a small smell from her but not good enough but it did smell almost like a forest." I hummed and looked at the other ones. "Is she pale?" I asked and they shook their head "No. I bumped into her and sparks went off. She is tan just like us, beautiful black hair and hazel eyes." Ethan said and I hummed. "Cameron... you're the closest person who looks similar to me. So how about this, I want you all to try and get your mates to agree on going to dinner or shopping and say that Cameron's older sister wants to meet them. Ethan, honey, she might be scared from the sparks. So I want you to write a letter and put it in her locker. I know it's cliché and all that but don't forget to put your number on there alright?" They all nodded

"Now.. Cameron and Ashley. You said your mates are from another pack right?" They nodded "So I take it you all know you're wolves correct?" They nodded "If they don't agree to do this. They can come here. However, you're all going to need to speak to Blake about this." I said and Ashley got really nervous. "Ashley, are you okay?" Everyone looked at her then to me. "I... I'm scared. I'm so scared Luna. I don't know what to do." She said and started crying. I immediately got up and knelt in front of her hugging her. "Why are you scared love?" "Hes supposed to be the next Alpha and he isn't like any of the guys here. He's... he's rude, cruel and I'm scared he will hurt me." Cameron, Ethan and Silas growled. "And if he ever does. I'll fight his whole pack until I'm the last one standing and there's a bunch of mangy fucking dogs all over do you understand me?" I said seriously and they all looked at me shocked. "He is your mate Ashely, you are his equal, you are to be his and his packs Luna. If he can not respect you than I will go in as this packs Luna and we will talk. There's something else isn't there?" She nodded "He wants to me move in with him by Friday night and I'm scared. I'm so scared Luna, what if his family doesn't like me and they all hurt me?" I brought her back into a hug "Listen to me sweetheart, you can not leave this pack unless they come to Blake and I. We have to give the okay for you to move into their pack and he knows that. What pack is he from?" I asked and she wiped her tears " The MoonNight Pack." She said and I sighed. "Do you have his Number?" I asked and she nodded. "Good. Ask him if he is busy and wants to go out to dinner with you and someone who you see as a big sister before Friday okay? If he does. Then it looks like we have an asshole Alpha to meet. If his parents want to come then Blake and I go okay?" I said and they all looked at me. She nodded and brought her phone out. "As for you Katie, this is something that we do need to talk to Blake about. I don't know his rules for humans and such at the moment hon so he is the best one to talk to. As for you Silas, you're not a lone wolf. We will figure something out for you alright?" He nodded "Can you tell Alpha about it?" Ethan asked as everyone nodded and Ashley spoke up "He said that he would but his parents want to meet the Alpha and Luna of our pack." I nodded "When?" "They asked to meet at a restaurant at 7 tonight." I sighed "Okay we have about 3 and a half hours. So how about you all help Ashley get ready while I got inform Blake of all this. We can talk about the rest of you another time alright? Make the plans for this weekend. Also, in two weeks Blake and I are getting married." I said and that seemed to cheer them up.

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