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Adam was currently walking to school with Emma. He had just finished telling his story to her.

"So let men see if I got this straight in the past week, you found out that your dad that was supposed to be dead is alive, and you went on a road trip to find him, and then you found out that your dad is not only alive, but he's bigfoot, you have some powers and the reason why he left because crazy people wanted his hair you stopped them and now you dad is back living with you. Did I get it right?" Emma asked Adam

"Um yeah, that's it," Adam said. He was somewhat surprised and relieved that she was taking it so well that he thought she would laugh or make fun of him. "You're taking this pretty calming."

"Well, I saw your feet grow out of your shoes. Emma said, pointing to Adam's feet.

"Oh yeah."

Emma looked at her watch. "Oh, crap, we're going to be late for school.

Emma was panicking while Adam was thinking, and an idea came to his head.

"Get on my back," Adam told Emma.


"Trust me," Adam said. Emma was skeptical, but she got on Adam's back. 

"So, what-

Adam started running fast, and in only 15 seconds, they were at Four Lakes High school.

"Yeah, so one of my powers I can run super-fast, pretty cool, right?" Adam asked Emma as she put her down. When he saw her, he almost burst out laughing at Emma's hair looked like it was struck by lightning.

"What's so funny?' she asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it," Adam said

Both of them entered school until the principal, Jones, stopped them.

"Where do you two think you?"

"We're going to class," Adam said

"No, you're not going into my school. I expect my students to wear shoes and their hair to be neat." Principal Jones said that last part looking at Emma, "Do you two understand me?"

"Yes, sir." Both Adam and Emma said in unison.

Principal Jones left them, and Emma turned back at Adam. "What does he mean by "fix that hair," Emma asked Adam.

Adam shrugged his head.

"Well, I got to go to the bathroom. I'll see you in class." Emma said as she left Adam alone.

After a few minutes, Adam gulped up the courage and entered the school. As soon as he entered the school, all the kids turned to look at him. Adam brushed it off, kept his head down, and went to the lost and found. At that moment, his super hearing kicked in.

"The freakshow back."

"Who doesn't wear shoes?"

"What a loser."

hearing all these words made Adam walk faster to the lost and found. Adam finally made it to the lost and found box.  Adam saw some shoes and tried them on, but they ripped as soon as he did.

"Yeah, these aren't going to work," Adam said as he threw the shoes back inside the box. He dug around some until he found some.

"Ok, they're not the best looking, but they won't get me in trouble.

Adam entered his classroom. As soon as he did, they all stared at his shoes. Adam ignored them and went to his seat. He saw Emma's hair was back to normal.  Adam sat next to Emma, and she gave him a little punch on his shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?" Adam asked, rubbing his arm.

"For no telling me about my hair."

Just then, the teacher came into the classroom, and silence came into the classroom.

"Alright, you little brats, settle down when I call your names; please say here," the teacher said


Here Emma said


"Here," Adam said

"Tony, Tony, alright, not here. Gemma"

Just the door to the classroom slammed wide open, and Tony was there.

"And were you?"

"I was attacked by a bear."

The entire class burst into laughter, even the teacher did so.

"That's the funniest excuse I heard in all my years in teaching, for I won't mark you tardy, now take you a seat.


Go," the teacher

Tony went to his desk not before dropping a crumpled note on Adam's desk. Adam opened it and is said

"Your dead, Harrison!" It ended with a skull ☠️

"I'm so dead," Adam said to himself

20 minutes into class, the teacher didn't give them any work, so it was a free period

"I have to leave for a couple of minutes I'll be back try not to murder yourselves.

The teacher left, and everyone went back to talking

"So Emma, I was wondering if you were busy, would you like to come to the library this afternoon?" Adam ask

"I love to help. I mean, like to help."

Just then, Adam felt something hit the back of his head.


Something wrong?" Emma asked

"Give me a second," Adam said. He contracted, and his hearing kicked in. he was trying to find out who was messing with him.

"Sorry, dude, I can't come over. I'm grounded."

"No, I didn't do the homework."

Adam kept listing to see who was messing with him. Adam then found the one who was messing with him. It was Tony. Adam did his best to ignore him, but he kept throwing spitballs at him. Eventually, the entire class joined and threw spitballs at Adam.

Knock it off." Emma yelled at the rest of her classmatesTony got up and walked towards her.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Tony then pushed Emma she fell on her to the ground. 

Adam saw this enraged him. "Leave her alone. Adam yelled 

"And what are you gonna do about it freak cry to your dad? Oh wait, you can't do that," Tony said with a laugh. The rest of the kids laughed as well.

"This comment enraged Adam. In a fit of rage, Adam punched tony in the face. Tony fell to the ground.

"Ahh!" Tony yelled as he fell to the ground. He was gushing blood.

"Adam Harrison!" the teacher yelled at standing in the doorway.

"He started it," Adam said, trying to defend himself.

"Not what I saw to the principal's office now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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