The Wedding

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It was the day of the wedding.Due to Gladstone's superstition ways,Emilie was at Grandma Duck's house getting ready.But little did she know that Gladstone had another reason for Emilie being at Grandma Duck's house.
He wanted to give her the necklace that his father gave his mother on their wedding day.Gladstone wanted it to be a surprise.After all,their wedding day was more than a new chapter in their lives.It was a day of love,magic, and unexpected surprises.
If only anyone knew.

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Steelbeak, and Walt were at the farm.They had a plan,a horrible plan.A plan to ruin the wedding.
"You ready?"asked Steelbeak taking out what looked like a combination of a syringe, and a water gun.
"Ready."said Walt going towards the presents.The plan was simple.Steal the food, and presents while framing Gus for eating all the food.As for the presents,well,let the chips fall where they may.

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All the guests were at the wedding.Emilie was excited about it.She couldn't help but continue to look out the window at all the guests.
"Stop looking out the window!"snapped Daisy,who was fixing Emilie's makeup."There.How's that?"Emilie looked at herself in the mirror.
"I look like Frankstein's Monster."said Emilie.
"Oh,come on.You don't look that bad."complained Daisy.Emilie looked at her skeptically.
"Okay.Maybe I put too much makeup on you."said Daisy.Daisy redid Emilie's makeup.
"Prefect!"said Emilie when she saw herself in the mirror.
"Great!It's a few minutes until the wedding!"said Daisy before leaving.Suddenly Emilie was alone.And nervous.
'Okay,Emilie,you can do this.'thought Emilie to herself as she got up.

                                   *     *     *

The wedding had started.Gladstone was at the altar,waiting for Emilie.Emilie began to walk down the aisle,trying to ignore all the eyes on her.Emilie wasn't used to so much attention from so much people.Before Emilie knew it she was at the altar.Gladstone gently grabbed Emilie's hand as she handed her bouquet to the justice of the peace.
"Ladies, and Gentlemen.We are gathered here today to witness the union of Gladstone Gander, and Emilie Duckman."began the justice of the peace.
Emilie didn't really listen to the justice of the peace.She was happy that she was here,with Gladstone.Even better,Carl was here.Her only regret was that Walt wasn't here.Despite that there was an announcement in the newspaper.
"And now for the vows."said the justice of the peace,interrupting Emilie's thoughts. "Do,you Gladstone Gander,take this woman to be your wife.Promise to be true to her in good times, and in bad,in sickness, and in health.Love, and honor her all the days of her life?"
"I do."said Gladstone.
"And,do you,Emilie Duckman,take this man to be your husband.Promise to be true to him in good times, and in bad,in sickness, and in health.Love, and honor him all the days of his life?"the justice of the peace asked Emilie.
"I do."said Emilie.
"You may now exchange rings."said the justice of the peace.Gladstone, and Emilie exchanged rings. "I now pronounce you man, and wife.You may now kiss the bride."
Gladstone left Emilie's veil.
'Nothing could ruin this moment.' thought Emilie as she, and Gladstone shared their first married kiss.

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"What happened to all the food?!"demanded Grandma Duck. She wasn't the only one who was questioning that.
"Hey,Gus,what's that on your clothes?"asked Webby.
"Huh?"asked Gus looking down onto his clothes.
"Seriously Gus?You couldn't control your appetite for a few hours?"asked Grandma Duck.
"Glutton."said Emilie.
"I'm sorry that Goosey Gus couldn't control himself,Emilie,but that's no reason to insult him!" said Cissy.
"But I didn't-"insisted Gus.
"We worked hard on all that food."said June as Ben comforted her.
"I swear I didn't-"continued Gus.
"The evidence doesn't lie!" yelled Huey while dramatically pointing at Gus as Gosayln glared at Gus.Emilie sat down.She didn't think anything could ruin the wedding,but Gus just had to eat all the food.
"Mrs.Gladstone Gander?"said Gladstone sitting down next to her.
"Hi,Gladstone."said Emilie. "I can't believe that Gus ate all the food."
"Well, I do have something that'll make you feel better."
"Unless Gus ate that too."snarked Emilie.
"No."said Gladstone taking out his present.
"Oh,Gladstone.It's beautiful!" said Emilie happily with tears in her eyes.
"My father gave it to my mother on their wedding day."Gladstone explained.Emilie hugged him.Gladstone couldn't help but smile, and blush at the same time.He loved Emilie with all his heart, and soul,but was worried about being a good husband to her.Unknown to either one of them,Dewey was watching them, and had came up with an idea.
"Guys!Guys!What about the presents!"Dewey asked.
"I don't think Gus ate the presents."Lena said,who joined the many people who were blaming Gus for the lack of food.
"No,that's not what I meant! I meant that Aunt Emilie, and Uncle Gladstone could open their gifts, and we can figure out where to eat."
"Dewford!That's genius!After the bride, and bridegroom open their wedding presents,we can just go out to eat!"said Violet.Dewey smiled at Violet's praise.It wasn't every day he was called a genius,that was usually Huey.
"Out to eat?"snapped Scrooge. "Do you know how expensive that'll be?"
"It's Gus's fault.Make him pay for it all."said Abner.
"But I-"protested Gus.
"Good idea,Abner!"said Scrooge.

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"The presents too?!" said Emilie,completely shocked.
"You can't blame Goosey Gus for this one."said Cissy smugly.
"Oh,shut up."said Gladstone.It was bad enough that Gus ate all the food,did she have to rub it his, and Emilie's faces that somebody swiped their wedding presents too?
"Goldie!"said Scrooge turning to Goldie.
"What? I didn't do it."defended Goldie. "I brought a gift,so why would I steal my own?"
Nobody said anything.She had a good point.Why would she steal her own gift?
"Well,who do you think did it?"asked Scrooge after a while.Goldie thought.Who did she think stole the presents?Obviously somebody shady,but who would be that shady?
"What about Gandra,or Carl,or Cissy?"suggested Goldie.
"What?"said Gandra,Carl, and Cissy at the same time.
"Why Gandra?"asked Fenton.
"She used to be part of F.O.W.L."commented Goldie.
"I changed!"defended Gandra.
"It's true!"agreed Fenton.
"Dr.Intren is right."said Gyro. "She helped create the Gizmo Cloud."
"And shut down the Solgo circuit."added Ludwig.
"But that doesn't exclude Carl, and Cissy."said Officer Cabrera,looking at them suspiciously.
"I came to the wedding!"defended Carl.
"But did you apologize to Emilie?"
"Yes."said Emilie. "He apologized to both me, and Gladstone."
Everyone suddenly turned to Cissy.
"I didn't do it."said Cissy.
"You keep defending Gus."said Gosayln.
"I didn't -"Gus tried to repeat.But it was pointless.Nobody was listening to him.
"He has a healthy appetite!"insisted Cissy.
Emilie sat down.This wasn't how she wanted to start her life with Gladstone.If what was supposed to be the reception was ruined by Gus, and Cissy,who knows what the rest of her life would be like?
"Emilie?"asked Gladstone,sitting next to her once again.
"I was just thinking about how the reception was ruined."said Emilie.Gladstone hugged her.
"Emilie,everything's going to be okay."said Gladstone,who seemed to know what she was thinking.
Emilie smiled.Gladstone was right.Two horrible friends ruining the start of their life together won't ruin their entire life together.Emilie got up.She knew what she had to do.What she always did when things got tough.Pick herself up, and face whatever problem she was dealing with head on.
"Cissy,Gus. I don't know where we're going to eat,but neither one of you are welcome."said Emilie.
"But-"said Gus.Why was he even bothering?
"Emilie! You don't actually believe that we have something to do with all the food, and presents disappearing,do you?"asked Cissy,completely shocked.Emilie just glared at her.
"Fine.Goosey Gus,and I are leaving!"said Cissy,who then took Gus by the arm and walked away.
"Sooo....where are we going to eat?"asked Della.Nobody said anything.
"What about The Tree?"suggested Emilie.
"You do love Italian food."said Gladstone. "And they do have shrimp."
"And it's the most romantic food in the world!"said Huey.
"Never mind food,romantic or not!Who's going to pay?!"snapped Scrooge.Everybody looked at Scrooge,who simply face palmed himself.

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