Even though we didn't see each other as much we still talked constantly, texting back and forth. We were making it work. And my feelings for him kept growing. I knew it would get more difficult when lacrosse season started, especially with all his away games, but we'd figure things out. He was too important for me not to. And I knew Hayden probably felt a similar way.

It had been a month since University started and the weather had gone from unbearably hot to a cooler temperature. It was September which meant autumn. My favourite season. All the trees were turning beautiful shades of red and yellow and it wasn't freezing and snowing yet.

I was sitting at Hayden's desk, editing one of my essays for my classes that was due pretty soon. Hayden was lying on his bed scrolling on his phone, already having completed his assessments.

It was a beautiful Saturday and I was doing my best to speed through my editing so that I could spend the day with Hayden. Eventually though, I just couldn't be bothered to finish my essay and shut my computer before crawling on top of Hayden.

He was lying on his stomach as I splayed myself on top of him. "You finished?" he asked.

"Nope," I sighed, "but I can't be bothered. I'll finish it tomorrow."

"You have work tomorrow," he pointed out.

"I'll finish it on Monday."

"It's due on Monday," he laughed.

I growled, "god you're annoying. I'll finish it tomorrow morning then. I'll get Stacey to read over it or something."

Stacey had offered to help with my school work back at the start of August and I'd be totally stupid not to take her up on the offer.

Besides I'd had to stay back until ten last Sunday to help do some banking for her and she'd said she owed me.

"You sure? I don't mind waiting."

"Yeah," I sighed, nuzzling my face into his muscled back, "if I stare at a screen for a second longer I might actually claw my eyes out."

He laughed and rolled over onto his back before pulling me back on top of him. "Well that's good because I have plans for us."

I raised my brow at him, "plans? Am I supposed to know what these plans are?"

Hayden gave me an incredulous look, "you should. It's our anniversary after all."

My mouth dropped open and I pushed myself off him to sit up properly, "what?"

Hayden sat up and raised his brow, "it's our anniversary."

"You're kidding right? We don't have an anniversary."

"Not kidding," he said, his face completely serious, "you really didn't remember? I bought you a gift."

I covered my face with my hands, "oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible girlfriend. I'll make it up to you somehow."

Hayden didn't respond and I slowly peeked through my fingers to find him grinning, his broad shoulders shaking in silent laughter. I pulled my hands from my face and glared at him, whacking him in the shoulder.

"You absolute dickhead," I scowled, "asshole. That is not funny."

Hayden grinned and caught my wrist as I attempted to hit his arm again. He pulled me closer to him, sliding me onto his lap. "It kind of was."

I pouted at him, "I thought I was a terrible girlfriend."

Hayden laughed, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear before cupping the back of my neck and pulling my mouth towards his.

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