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       Tyler turned and watched the beautiful nude woman lying in his bed. He smiled and remembered the first time he met her. It was on a lovely night at a club in Hollywood. He was out with his friends celebrating the premiere of his new movie, 'ALONE' and she was drinking at the bar and looking around as if looking for someone.

       He walked up to her and asked her for a dance and she said no."I'm working,"he remembered her words clear in his head. He first thought that she worked at the club but when he saw her approach another man,he assumed she was a hooker.

        He realized that he must have been wrong when he saw the news the next morning. The man was found dead in a hotel room and according to the cops he was not alone when he died. They never caught the killer but he new pretty well that she was the one after she exposed her true identity. That was three years ago.

          Tyler was a big time Hollywood actor and the fact that Samantha was his girlfriend brought up attention to her but she didn't mind eventhough it risked her of exposure.

           Samantha Wheeler Hoffman was non other than Kith's sniper and daughter. Leonel has managed to keep his identity a secret from those who don't need to know. His drug operations have been running smoothly and he is looking to expand in LA.

           Samantha turned in her king size bed and drawed Tyler back from his deep thoughts. She slowly opened her beautifully sculptured eyes and look at his Romeo.

"Hey,"she said in her low,sweet sexy voice that he loved.

"Hey. So any plans for today? Cause I've got something in mind,"he replied as he moved his hand up her thighs.

"Actually I've got a meeting down at the station just some questions they need answers to."

"They can wait, I won't take long." He moved his hand up to her belly. He leaned in and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes and tried to shut down her desires but to no avail.

         He moved up to her jawline. She could feel his warm, soft breath against her cheek. Her lips yearned to be quenched with his. She bit her lips so as  to hide her moan but it came out anyway.

          His masculine body heated up against her's. He hand twirled around in circles on her body. He could feel her starting to heat up. His kisses felt tender against her skin.

          He moved up and his lips met her's. Blasts of joy filled her heart. She run her fingers through his silk black hair. She clinched her fingers around his head and drawed him deeper.

          Her body yearned with lust. She took a moment to think about her decision, it was a done deal. She made her way on top of him. He looked into her eyes and saw that they were dark and filled with lust. He smirked at the thought of her being in control.

            She ran her hand up his masculine chest towards his neck. She leaned down and whispered so.ething into his ear. She pulled back and kissed his lips. He ran his hands down her bare back. He fought the urge.

          He laid her down again." Not this time," he said. He kissed her shoulder deeply. That was gonna leave a mark. He slowly moved down to her full breasts. He kissed them softly. He trailed his tounge down to her nipples and bit them lightly. She let out a stiff light moan. Damn!


           Samantha got into one of her black jeeps."11th precinct, " she said and put her sun glasses on. The driver roared the engine and drove off.

    The sun glared out of the clear blue sky. The driver held the door out for his boss. She stepped out and her bodyguard followed.

    James was watching from his office window with Jake." So who's that,?" James asked.

"OH my God didn't you read the email I sent you last night."

"Of course not you know that I'm trying to get back to Jessica's good side, I can't risk it by working home."

"Well you'll be in for a surprise cause I can't tell you now you won't be ready."

"Tell me what?"

"I can't tell you all I can say is hope for the best and prepare for the worst."

"Okay so can you at least tell me who she is?"

"OH that's Samantha, Emma's step daughter she is here for the meeting arranged by your future father in law but he isn't here so we carry out the meeting on his behalf. Here he left some questions for you to use in the meeting. "

"Why are you calling it a meeting it's an interrogation. Same old Miller still doesn't trust his son in law to carry out his own interrogation. Let's go." He led the way out the office and down the stairs.

"She's inside" a brunette said as they approached the interrogation room. Jake walked in as James was left talking to the lady.

"Can I get a cup of coffee?" He asked. She nodded and walked away. He pushed the door open and walked in.

       Samantha was seated at the opposite side of Jake with her sunglasses still on and her bodyguard standing behind her. She turned and looked at the door when he walked in. His appearance made her change her sitting posture. Chills ran down her spine when he took his seat next to Jake.

      She could feel a big ball of guilt form up in her throat. She could hear her heartbeat increase with every second. She watched him as he carefully looked at the papers he had in his hand.

    Jake noticed Samantha's uncomfortable movements. He knew he was right about his suspicion. Samantha noticed Jake's stare and stopped her fidgeting.

"So let's cut to the chase," James said as he raised his head to look at her. Samantha could feel the walls closing in on her. She tried to calm herself down. She needed to put herself together if she had to tell them what she had planned.

"Uh... sir I'm afraid you'll have to step out for a moment, " James added.

Samantha pulled herself together and spoke up," he is my bodyguard he stays."

      The voice sounded familiar in his head but he couldn't pin point it, he chose to brush it off." Ma'am I'm afraid he'll have to leave house rules." He said in an authoritative voice

"Okay," she replied as she looked at the man and he walked out.

"Thank you oh and one more thing could you take your glasses off? I need to look at you when you answer this questions."

     Samantha took off her sunglasses and looked down. She wondered whether he remembered her and he was choosing to ignore it or had he moved on.

"Uh.. so where were you on the night of the murder? and I want you to look at me miss Samantha," he said as he waited for her to raise her head.

     Samantha slowly lifted her head and his eyes met her's. One could see the realization in his eyes. "Sammy,"he whispered to himself. Things just got messy.


Hope you love it guys make sure to check out for part three.🤗

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