Chapter 1

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You are so scared. Your toes touch the edge of Starsnatch Cliff, your windglider is securely attached to your back, the only thing stopping you is the feeling in your stomach.

This is the place your father died.

You haven't dared to glide ever since the accident. You were there, it was your first time gliding. He was going to teach you to glide so you could do it together, you remember him saying it was the only thing he wanted, to do his favourite thing in the world together with his child. But it didn't go as planned. He suddenly fell down, his glider gave up on him. You were terrified, thought it was your fault, and too scared to ever glide again. Even to this day. But that was about to change.

Now you are here, about to let go of your fear and move on from the sadness his death had brought you. Spread your wings and be free from the pain. That was the plan. Move on with your life. Tears filled your eyes.

"Okay-" you breathe out. This is very scary. If you would fall- it really is high. Should you have picked another spot? Maybe you shouldn't have done this at all. You shake your head. No. My father would want me to do it. I want to do it. You look down one more time, close your eyes, your heart starts beating even faster. You bend your legs but hesitate and stand straight again. This wont work. After taking a few steps back you breath in, and start running toward the edge. And jump.

You spread your arms and the wings of your glider open. You feel the wind pushing you up and dare to slowly open your eyes. It isn't going to bad, but you are going too fast. Panicking you try to readjust your position like you saw your dad doing. You pull the straps and your wing turns, but the wind completely loses its grip on the glider, which leads to you tumbling down in terror. You made mistake. You see the ground getting closer. There is nothing you can do. You clench your fist and cry for help.

"Dad I'm sorry-" you whisper. You will die just like him. Falling down from the sky, unable to move. Leaving behind all you love and love you. You feel so stupid. But mostly scared. You hear the wind blow in your ears, brush against your skin. Your hair and clothes flutter as it blows around you. Suddenly the wind changes, a warm breeze circles around you and lifts you up. It gets cought in your glider and a flap sound is heard as they unfold. You don't know exactly what is happening. You notice you have stoppes falling and dare to open your eyes again, but see something unexpected.

When you look up your eyes meet sparkeling aqua green ones. Infront of you floats a boy, curiously looking at you. "Are you okay? You shouldn't be gliding when you don't know how to! Luckily I was around to help!" he chuckles

You stare at the boy in awe with tears in your eyes. He wears a cute green cape and has braids. Did he create that wind? You look down to see you are still quite high up in the air. "I'm scared-" you wisper. The boy grabbes your hand. "Let's go up again." he says while smiling. You nodd and wipe off your tears as the boy dragges you back on Starsnatch Cliff.

When he lets go of you you break down. Why are you so stupid to think your problems would go away when doing the one thing you are most scared of! You almost died! You fall down on your knees and cry. Tears flood down your cheaks and think of all the stupid mistakes you made. Your body shivers and shakes as you let all of your emotions out. You feel like a total wrack.

You feel the boys eyes watching you and suddenly a soft hand wipes your tears. The boy holds your chin to make you look at him, he has a comforting smile on his face. You look at him with fear, fear from your almost death experience and angery at yourself for making stupid decisions. He sees your worry and hugs you. "Don't cry, its okay. Really." he rubbes your back. His words are surprisingly comforting.

You slowly calm down and are able to breath again. You wipe your last tears off and try to relax a bit. The boy lets go of you. You thank him with a small smile and sit down on the grass, he sits down next to you. "What is your name?" he questions. "(y/n)" you answer hugging your knees. "You have a pretty name! I'm Venti the bard. I saw you were in trouble and decided to help you, I hope you don't mind." So his name is Venti. You heared that name before, people ocasionaly talk about him. You imagined him more as a drunk child, but he is surprisingly mature and caring. His aura is strong, but in a good way. He feels trustworthy and understanding, but also fun to be around. Free, like the wind. He reminds you of the wind. You deside to trust him and tell him what happened.

"So you want to glide huh?" Venti says. You sigh. "Not anymore. I'm scared I will fall again." He smiles and pickes up your glider. "But I can teach you, I'm the best glider of mondstadt!" You thought that was Amber? You don't know why, but appearently you said yes, because next thing you know you and Venti are on your way to Brightcrown Canyon. Venti claims it is a safer place for beginners to glide. Safer sounds good, so you follow the boy named Venti. But you are really nervous, your legs are trembeling. Obviously you would be nervous for doing the thing that almost killed you seconds ago. But you trust Venti. And if you fall again he will save you. Right?

A/n: Hello! Just for your information, the original story is posted on quotev, my account is SapNinja. I thought it would be nice to post it here aswell, so people that aren't on quotev can read it too :]
I hope you liked this and I'll seeya later!

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