Chapter 2

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Okay, nearly blown off the wall.

It was only because of one of the soldiers- who had blocked her near descent off the edge- that she didn't drop 50 meters to her death. Her mind was still out of it by the time she got up- however, not enough to make her forget her manners. So as she passed, she gave the kind soldier a simple nod in thanks.

Turning to keep an eye out for the apeman, she watched as leftover debris from the defensive spell fell from the sky onto the rundown town- and we're those giants next to him? No time for rhetorical questions, she needed to fight.

Head clearing from the aftermath, Hermione could faintly hear the same blond man "guarding" her on the roof shouting from a distance.

Body still flushed with adrenaline, she rushed to him while casting a translating spell to understand.

"-Humanity or Titans!-" Were those things "Titans" then? Were they their enemy?

Looks could always be deceiving... But then again, Voldemort was one ugly bastard, and he was evil to the core.

"-Which side will live?! Which side will perish?!"

Well certainly not me, not if I can help it.

A little winded but positively vibrating with energy she stopped at his side, ignoring the glare of Mr. Shortstop Uppity behind him, "Uh s-sir, ehem- I mean Sir." She straightened her back and looked him in the eye. Why do I always have to be so goddamn eager-to-please with authority figures?

"I have two more of those left in me. After that, I'll be limited to menial spells, better for close contact, healing, or show." Her eyes darted to the ape-like Titan that was about to pick up another rock, "Should I..." she began to face the Titan, wand raised in preparation when he stopped her. "No. Let it fall. He wasn't aiming for us, he was aiming to block the hole below us."

Damn, then some of the horses would be stuck and they'd never have a fast enough exit for all of them. Apparating horses two by two seemed draining and meaningless if the Titan was still able to throw projectiles to kill said horses... Maybe a bombarada to the blockade... but that would serve futile as well, as the wall and the rock blocking their exit could react unpredictably. Think, Hermione, think...

That spell!

The spell that Professor Flitwick had used at the final battle! A powerful protection spell... and one that could hold its own, even after being cast... but could she manage it on her own? If she could just remember the exact order of the spell... then it'd be an option, but a weak on-

The wall shook as the Titan succeeded in what it had planned to do. But for any plan of theirs to succeed, they needed that Titan gone.

"If you're worried about the horses Sir, creating a semi-permanent protective barrier is possible... With that in mind, the horses don't have to be your first priority- I can handle the horses. Taking down that Titan over there, that's where you should focus your man power."

Mr. Uppity walked up to the Commander, "Erwin, he's starting to climb up." Who's starting to climb up? With just a few steps and a craned neck, she noticed another Titan on the other side of the wall. Oh- so we're surrounded.

What could I even do against that monstrosity- with both of those things. Would a Sectumsempra do the job or could she aid in trying to contain them instead?

And why were they all so damn calm right now?!


Oh right, they've probably trained for this.

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