Hello Earthlings! :) (Oct 6. update)

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Hey there!

How have you all been doing these past few months? :)

I thought it was about time for a new update. Wanted to welcome the new followers, as well as thank everyone for their patient with me these past 2 years.  

It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride these past 4 months. From family drama, to more family drama, to not knowing how to deal with all these emotions.

I have an amazing support system, who is there for me when I need them.

I still write. I am not ready to commit myself to a full story right now. But hope I can in the near future.

Feel free to send me your suggestions and/or ideas. I would love to collaborate if anyone has a great idea in mind, and is willing to help.

Leave a question in the comments, if you have any. Don't be shy, I am an open and honest person :)

(A poem/rap, whatever you want to call it, down below. Wrote it a few weeks ago. Unfinished but still worth the short read)

There are some things that I can't deal with.
It's a difficult struggle with my own feelings.
Asking myself what I believe in.
If this is life I might be leaving.

Searching for a place where I belong.
Can't be wrong
Get me strong
Make it quick, don't make it long

Hahaha, kidding. That's just what the voice in my head tells me.

He tells me to numb the pain inside my brain.
Can't restrain or it will go insane.

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