I took a deep breath and parted my lips to decline because no matter how much I felt about her, I was not going to accept that responsibility. However, Jason beat me to it.

"Kelly.." he put his hand over hers and forcefully grinned. "It's our wedding, your dream wedding. I think we should hire professionals-"

"You don't think I qualify as a professional?" I cut him off before he could finish. Beside me, Jesse straightened and put down the napkin as if he expected a fight to break out.

Jason blinked at the question. "Well, I think..." he stumbled on his words, trying to choose the nicest words to say with a sigh. "Yes, Iris. You're a florist, but you're not exactly worthy of a wedding contract. Your customers buy your flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, funerals-but when it's the matter of a wedding, an important day for couples, I don't think anyone would hire you for that. No offense, sis, but you still have a long way to go."

The table went quiet after he said that.

"Jason," Kelly hissed, wearing a look of disapproval. She looked back at me apologetically, but it was not her place to apologize to me.

"What?" he retorted, looking back at his fiancee as if he had not done something wrong. "It's our wedding. I want to give you the best wedding. We can't afford to mess it up."

My mother rubbed her forehead with her eyes cast down as if a headache had came over her. Dad busied himself picking at his food, probably regretting staying for dinner. Jason's in-laws looked uncomfortable. The rest on the table were trying to busy themselves to lessen the tension that had built up by my brother's words.

My hands shook underneath the table, but I kept myself composed. I sipped my drink with tight lips.

Kelly's mum, Anna, made a gesture to her husband. Jeremy started to say, "I'm sorry for bringing this-"

"Jason, apologize to Iris," dad interrupted. "That was a really mean thing to say to your sister."

"What, I'm just being honest. And everyone knows that her shop isn't doing well. Isn't it time we let her face what's happening? If Iris doesn't think of another option, she's going to end up living with you. I'm sorry, dad, but someone has to tell her."

"It's not your place," mum stated, and I could hear the tinge of anger in her voice.

Jason made a sound of disbelief. "Are you kidding? Would you rather watch her throw away the rest of her life being hung up on something that has failed?" He glanced at me. "Iris, everyone supported you when you decided to chase your dreams, but that dream has failed now. It's time to think about your future and what you want to do. I don't want you to end up like a loser."

I slammed the empty glass on the table and pushed my chair back violently, startling everyone. My chest hurt. I felt something squeezing there. A flash of anger burst in me. White. Hot. Seething. My face closed off immediately. I think they all expected me to start lashing out and screaming, but I did neither. Instead, I grabbed a bottle of champagne from the table and looked at Kelly.

"Congratulations." With that, I turned around and left.

I think I was choking or trying not to choke. Either way, I didn't think I was breathing properly. I rushed out through the doors, my chest constricting with each breath. The air hits my face, but I found it suffocating. My heart burned so much I wanted to thrust my hand into my chest and pull it out.

"Hey, hey." Jesse put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back before I could walk down the street. I didn't forget that he gave me a ride, but I honestly didn't need to be in anyone's presence now.

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