Tangled (Pt 9) - Misunderstandings and Realizations

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She dropped it immediately.

"Oh, my precious boy!"


He ran over to her and buried his face in her hair.
Gothel inspected his hair before turning him to her.
"Are you all right?! Are you hurt?!"

Rapunzel jerked back and looked down at Gothel.
"How did you—"

"I was so worried about you dear! So I followed you. And I saw them attack you!" She hugged him again before taking his hand.

"Let's go! Let's go before they come to!"

She said urging him as she quickly scurried off.
He pulled away a bit before turning back to the lake.
The boat was now farther in the lake, but he could still see her on it.

Rapunzel stared at the boat as the hot tears welled in his wide eyes.

This... this is what his mother was talking about.

How could she just leave him like that?
...How could he leave his own mother like that?

This is exactly how she felt when he left, wasn't it?

He turned around to find his mother holding a green lantern.

He looked at her, lost and  broken from pain of betrayal.

Gothel placed the lantern down and opened her arms for a welcoming hug.

He slowly walked over to her and hugged her. His legs grew weak from betrayal and he slowly kneeled before her.

"You were right, mother... You were right about everything." He whispered.
Mother Gothel sighed and gently rubbed his head. "I know darling. I know."

She leaned down and grabbed the lantern before she helped Rapunzel up and guided him away.

Meanwhile, the boat came to the guards' shore. They pointed down at it.
"Look! The crown!"

(Y/n) slowly woke back up, her hands and back bonded to the mast and the wheel.

"Mmm... Rapunzel...?" She looked up and noticed her binds. The memories from a few hours ago caught up to her and she panicked.


"(F/n) Rider!"

She looked up to see the guards approaching the boat.
She tried to free herself, but it was no use.

Maximus noticed the commotion and walked over.
There, he found (Y/n) struggling against the guards and screaming.

"Wait, guys! Wait, WAIT! RAPUNZEL!? RAPUNZEL!" Maximus looked back at the forest side.

Rapunzel was in trouble.

(Y/n) paced back and forth in her cell, unable to sleep. Her mind and attention only focused on whether or not Rapunzel was safe.

She grabbed at the window and looked out, as if she'd see the boy standing there, alive and safe.

"Oh... look what you've done to me, Blondie. Please be safe..."

However, the door opened to reveal the Captain of the Guard. He glared down at the girl.
"Let's get this over with, Rider."

"Where are we going?"

The men behind the Captain looked at each other while the Captain glared harder.

"Oh..." She said, gently rubbing her neck.

Back in the tower, Gothel undid the reminder of the corn rolls and smoothed Rapunzel's hair out.

"There." She said, standing and making her way to the door. "It never happened. Now, wash up for dinner. I'm making hazelnut soup." She tempted, however, sighed at Rapunzel's downcast expression.

Tangled (Male! Rapunzel x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ