The food smelt heavenly. "My friend Eleanor is a culinary student. So she prepared tonights food." He handed me a fork.

I took a bite of the Alfredo penne Noddles with shrimp, "Oh my God. This is amazing."

He chuckled as he handed me a bottle of water that had cucumber and strawberries inside. It was my favorite type.

"Why thank you."

"Why you are welcome." He blushed. As we ate, we talked about everything. From work, football games, to Kenny.

"You're an extraordinary mom." Niall said. "I don't know." I said as I sat my empty carton on the ground.

"Nora, you are. You have to endure so much with a child who has cancer. You still work a full time job and yet you keep your cool. I'd say you are wonderful." Niall put the cartons into the picnic basket.

"I-I. Thank you." I sighed.

He stood up, "There's something I want to show you." He held his arm out. I stood up and weaved my arm through his. We walked down on the grass. We reached a spot between two trees.

There was a blanket on the ground, and what looked to be a sheet strung on a line between the trees. A projector was behind the blanket. I eyed Niall.

He smiled, "I know how creepy this may sound. But, I talked to your mother."

"Oh God." I muttered. My eyes widened.

"She didn't say anything entirely embarrassing, Norlock." I froze. I could feel myself turning red at the sound of my nickname. When I was twelve, I had become the biggest sherlock Holmes fan, ever. I went to every convention possible, even one in the UK when I was 13.

"That is horrible." I laughed. "Not at all. I think it's rather adorable. Anyway, she told me your favorite movie since you wouldn't."

He ushered me to sit. Then turned on the projector. Audrey Hepburn's face was on the screen from her most iconic movie, ever.

"Breakfast at Tiffany's?" He sat down next to me. I smiled.

. . . . .

"So?" Niall smiled as the ending credits rolled.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What in your opinion is a perfect date to you?"

"Easy." I said, "A romantic evening in the park." He stood up,"Don't mind me, continue."

"Well, my favorite foods to eat, my favorite movie, and gazing up at the-" I broke off as Niall sat down holding a miniature gold telescope. I blushed, "Did you?"

"I wanted this to be perfect." He smiled. I started to tear up. "Uh, here." He handed me the telescope.

I held it in my hands, I felt some engraving on the side. I turned it over, The property of L.W.

I couldn't speak as more tears threatened to spill. "I got you this because I am falling madly and deeply in love with you, Leonora."

"I-It's only been one date, technically." I fumbled.

He smiled, "Ever since I saw you at the stadium, I knew from that moment I had to get to know you. The way you smile, talk, dress, hell even the way you always seem to smell like Lavender and vanilla intoxicates me. I am head over heels. I can't concentrate while I'm on the field." I sat there, in disbelief as he continued.

"I can't believe I have had the honor of getting to know you. You deserve everything you could ever dream of. Hence all of this." Moments passed. "Please say something."

I just smiled and leaned forward pressing my lips to his. My first real kiss.

A/n: Ah the first date! Thank you all for being so patient as I took my sweet time updating! I have been in Las Vegas for the past few days so, yeah! Anyway, please comment and vote.

As always,


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