Fix You

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The basement

A personal space

Grandma's house

The opportunity to know Axl in a better way

The opportunity for Axl to have a shelter above his redhead

The opportunity to get closer as friends and bandmates

-I need to bring a friend home, mum. He has nowhere to live, and I don't want him to be homeless. Please, we won't bother grandma, just be together in her basement. We will help her with the chores, as well- Slash begs his mother, Ola

She finally agrees and Slash seems so happy that she is able to understand....She is not silly...

-Saul, why do you care so much about him?. You are always talking in regards to his singing skills, to his beautiful hair, to his goals for the band.....-Ola asks tenderly. She has recognized a special bright in his eldest son's eyes. She knows he is in love.

-Because he is not a lucky person, he is not like me, mum. He does not have a family. He left his home at seventeen, and...we get along really well, just that. It will benefit us, since we have to do rehearsal and...I...want to help him- Slash assures.

He is happy as a little child.

He will have that crazy ginger all for himself

By his side, all day long!

He is totally grateful to his amazing mother and to his sweet grandma

They are always there for him, they have even let him live in the basement along with his guitars, snakes and cats.

Now, one more guest will be there...William Rose, aka Axl

Slash's grandmother welcomes the guest with a tight embrace. She is happy because if he is his grandson's friend, he will always be welcome . And what a gorgeous young man!. No doubt he may have a girlfriend.

She has prepared breakfast for the young men and they chat while Axl thanks her and Slash for their hospitality. They are a good family, he thinks, trying to avoid the tears streaming down his face,'s not possible. He wonders why he has not a family, why he has not been as lucky as Slash in that regard, he wonders why the hell he is completely alone in this shitty world.

They go to the basement and Slash introduces him to his cats and snakes, yes, each pet has a weird name and Axl laughs his ass off saying hello to each of them.

-My weird roommates- Slash says, smiling.

-You have one more weird criature now, right?. Really, thanks  man; you are too amazing- Axl says while embracing Slash.

They chat for hours.

Rain and thunders are the soundtrack of their conversation. It is so cold outside that Axl is grateful to have a roof over his fragile body

-Why do you care so much about me, Saul?. Since the day we met, you have always  been close to me, listening to my pathetic stories about my pathetic family, paying attention to my rants about my pathetic are always there for me, Axl asks sincerely.

-Because you are too human and vulnerable, and I want to make you feel better. are really my favourite vocalist and having you here will mean being able to listen to your precious voice, every fuckin' day- Saul explains.

-Can we take a nap?. I mean, it's cold outside, I am tired and there is no rehearsal today. Do we have to share the bed?, Axl asks.

Slash says yes and smiles back. He is too happy to even talk. He has his favourite human being by his side and they will have to sleep together...he is grateful to the Lord of destiny.

FIX YOU (#SLAXL ONE-SHOT)Where stories live. Discover now