Heaven/New York City (Avengelyne)

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Avengelyne was an angel in Heaven of the one true God named Jehovah that wants her to do his bidding in protecting the other angels to prove her to be worthy under his name until one of the angels named Micah who had bad intentions for her and asked her to do him a favor to question his judgment of why he favored the humans who embraced the Dragon (the Devil) which resulted God to get angry and casted her out of Heaven towards Earth below and taking her powers from her except her super strength.

New York City

Avengelyne landed from Heaven after being casted out as she was naked and scared while she felt the vulnerabilities and experiences of the human race as they overwhelmed her and tried to mess with her

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Avengelyne landed from Heaven after being casted out as she was naked and scared while she felt the vulnerabilities and experiences of the human race as they overwhelmed her and tried to mess with her. She started to take refuge near a Catholic church known as St. Augustine's and the two Father's Malory and Peter Clifton took her under their care.

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