'And what do you think I am?'

"I think you're in love. With me."

Saiki leaned back slightly, only enough for Akechi to take notice of it.

'How bold of you to assume these things.'

"I'm not assuming anything. Rather, I'm presuming. The difference between the two is that an assumption is random; it's not based on anything whatsoever, sometimes acting to the other person's detriment. Usually, when people assume things, they assume something that would benefit them, whether it be conscious or subconscious. To presume, is more of an educated guess."


Saiki didn't like the way he said "educated", because he knew no matter what was coming next, it wasn't going to be good.

"I think I have valid reasons to believe you harbor romantic feelings towards me. Would you mind if I- Well, actually, based on your reactions and overall hesitation about the subject, I think I'd rather go ahead and do it."

Do what?

"I'm going to need you to answer honestly. I know that from this point on, you're not going to answer honestly, and rather, you'll answer whatever paints you in the best light, but that's fine with me, since I can tell when you're lying."

Saiki scoffed.

'Why are you being so creepy?'

Akechi chuckled.

"I'm not being creepy. Not on purpose, at least."

Akechi picked up his school bag and pulled out a pen and notepad.

What the heck...

"First off, I'd like you to tell me who your friends are."


'What friends?'

"You know exactly who I'm talking about. It's very childish and tsundere of you to pretend like you don't after all this time. Even if they do annoy you, or even mildly inconvenience you, they're still your friends. Let's see, Riki Nendou, Shun Kaidou, Kokomi Teruhashi, Kineshi Hairo, Aren Kuboyasu, Chisato Mera, Reita Toritsuka, Mikoto Aiura, and..."

Akechi grinned mischievously, looking at Saiki who had his head tilted down the tiniest bit. His face was still fairly calm, but Akechi knew it wouldn't last.

"Do you consider me your friend, Kusuo-kun?"

Saiki literally and figuratively bit his tongue.

"Don't worry about answering. Your silence speaks volumes."

I hate you...

Akechi scribbled something down in his notebook and Saiki decided it'd be best not to check what he was writing.

"Alright, since I doubt you're going to cooperate, it might be best to simply ask you the questions and study your reactions."

'Study? What am I, a lab rat?'

"No. I would never call you a rat. Rats aren't very hygienic, and you're quite neat and tidy."

As if that changes anything.

"Where do you see your friends?"


"Where do you interact with them?"

'At school.'

"Is... That all?"


"And the beach, several ramen shops spanning the town, your house, Kaidou-kun's house, Nendou-kun's house, Teruhashi-san's house, the temple Toritsuka-kun lives at, the forest, school trips, vacations, and other various locations. But you weren't planning on including any of those, were you?"

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