Chapter Three - Day One

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"My second in command. Any other questions before we go?"

They shook their heads no.

"Good. This ship is modified to maximize storage, artilary and defense, so spare room is little to none. We share dorms down those stairs and to the left." He pointed behind him, to where the stairs that led down into the cargo space was. "Put your stuff under your assigned bed. Get used to the space. It's going to be a long journey."

The group of demigods found the way to their dorms, finding full sized beds lining each side of the room. The furthest from the door was a slightly larger bed, lined with other luggage. At the foot of the beds, golden plates engraved with their names were screwed into the wood.

"At least we'll have better beds than last time," Piper sighed, running her hand along the footboard. "You have to admit, those beds were rough."

Soft murmurs of agreement rang out as they all settled, shoving suitcases and supplies under their beds and adding personal touches to their bedding. 

A loud crash followed by ringing alarms had them all looking at each other in panic. "All of you! On deck, now!"

Things that could only be described as demons were climbing up the sides of the ship, with disgusting distorted faces and long withering limbs. The smell wasn't far off from sulfur and rot, making half of the crew gag. "Defend the ship, no matter the cost! Without this, we'll never make it through the Void Portal! Their weak points is in their neck- Decapitate them, then destroy their heads! Be quick or they'll explode with acid that can dissolve through your body in seconds!" Solus was plowing through the demons effortlessly, cutting them down and slamming his heel into their moaning heads, leaving a high pitched shrieking noise before they dissolved into a black slime and smoke. 

There was a loud crash as more started to climb up the sides. Annabeth realized that they had four arms and four legs, crawling like spiders across the deck. She shrieked- she hated spiders. 

"C'mon Annabeth!" Piper shouted, kicking one in the chest to get it onto it's back and then stabbing her dagger through it's throat, stomping on the head until it turned to smoke and slime. She realized everyone else was fighting but her- but she was shaking too bad to do anything. 

"Behind you!" The boat shuddered aggressively as lightning struck directly behind Annabeth, the boom of thunder echoing around them, followed by Jason slamming two feet into the ground and a smoke rising up around his feet. "Annabeth, what the fuck is wrong with you? Help us fight!"

"They look like spiders!" Annabeth protested, shuddering as even more started to swarm up the sides. At this rate, even with her help, they were going to be overwhelmed. She took a step back, bumping into Leo. They were surrounded. 

"Disappointing." With the loud snapping noise, the demons vanished, slime, smoke and all. They all made similar sounds of confusion, looking around. Solus was hovering in the air, sitting on the blade of his sword cross-legged. Even with their constantly shifting features, they looked disappointed.

"It's a miracle you survived the Giant War at all. You have soldiers who won't fight, some who don't listen to instructions, others who are so focused on saving others they nearly killed themselves in the process... Truly a disappointment."

"What the hell?!" Jason cried out, gritting his teeth. "You were just sitting there a majority of the fight! Like you're one to talk!"

"This was a simulation," Solus replied, his voice monotonous and droll. "There were no monsters. I wanted to test your skills. Evidently, you have none. Earth is, very clearly, doomed under your protection. I might as well call back the mission leader and tell them the operation is a failure."

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