lets give it a shot.

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Kent woke up and made himself some breakfast, while he did he thought of things he could do to make living here more better, like how he was gonna make "friends" with Neil. *how am I gonna become "friends" with this guy. Maybe I should talk to him more...* thought Kent, Neil soon walked out of his room and sat on the couch, he immediately got on his phone to order himself something for breakfast. *jeez maybe I should talk him into a diet* thought Kent.

Neil finished placing his order, he then leaned back and sighed. Kent let out a small sigh and walked over to him. 'Hay you, Neil was it. Ive got some thing to say yo-' Kent was interrupted by slipping he was heading straight for the floor till Neil quickly caught him. "Jeez man you alright?" Asked Neil, Kent slowly nodded, something a feeling a new feeling coursing through his veins and to his mind, what was this new feeling... Was it love? Kent slightly blushed. *BAH WHAT AM I THINKING I REFUSE TO LOVE THIS GUY!! Especially since I already have a crush on the girl in the library* thought Kent.

Neil sat Kent down on the couch. "So what were you trying to tell me?" Asked Neil. 'I uh.. I was gonna ask... What are you getting for breakfast?' Said Kent. "Oh just some donuts and some coffee.. Did you want some. Id love to share." Said Neil. Kent sighed. 'Sure I'll have one' Kent replied.

Neil gave Kent a friendly smile. The donuts soon got here, Kent picked one out and began to eat it with the breakfast he had made for himself. Kent looked over at Neil, Neil was munching away at his donuts, Kent sighed. 'You know, you shouldn't eat to much. Its bad for your health.' Said Kent. "Hmm? Oh, you don't need to worry about me, I'm not eating to much." Said Neil. *is he serious... Dose... Dose he even know he is fat?* thought Kent.

After awhile Neil finished eating, he then headed back to his room. 'Wait!' Shouted Kent. "Huh.. What is it?" Asked Neil.
'What do you do when you like someone? Like a girl?' Asked Kent. "Oh.. Well I would probably just talk to them more and be myself. Then when the time is right ask her out" said Neil. 'Oh.. I..its that easy' said Kent. "Yea pretty much, people usually tend to overthink it when there nervous." Said Neil.
'Jee... T..thanks... Hay... Is it ok if i... Invite her over?' Asked Kent. "Huh oh yea sure thing, I'll clean the house up a bit too" said Neil

*jee... Maybe this guy isn't to bad* thought Kent.

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