Chapter 1

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"Did you hear about Joyce Tubbins?" fellow CNA, Joel asked Charlene.

"Yes, she went quick?" Charlene noted. "I remember the bubbly Joyce, always had a smile on her face, no matter what?"

"It's sad?" Joel commented. "Ever since this COVID-19 pandemic our residents haven't been the same?"

"What do you mean, Joel!"

"Well, take Joyce Tubbins, for example? Here's a woman who's always been so chipper no matter what life threw at her?"

"I see where you're going, Joel?"

"Then the minute the facility cuts off visitation, depression and loneliness creep in?!" Joel added.

"You're right? I've seen it in several of our residents, not just Joyce Tubbins?" Charlene agreed.

"Some of our beloved residents don't understand why they're families can't come by like they have been. They think they did something to make their loved ones upset and don't want to come see them." Joel stated sadly.

"You think so?" Charlene wondered.

"I was talking with Jasper Jacobs last week and he told me his son doesn't care about him anymore "

"Jasper told you that?"

"I asked him why he feels like that and Jasper said he must have made his son mad at him the last time he visited." Joel commented to Charlene. "I tried to get Jasper to understand that wasn't the case, Jasper was pretty set on believing it."

"That's too bad that the residents are paying a high price so near to the end of their lives--missing out on their loved ones?"

"Poor Mr. Jacobs, all he did was look longingly out the window of his room as if he could summon his son?" Joel said.

As Joel went about his duties, Charlene couldn't help but wonder how the current pandemic would take on the residents at Spring Haven?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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