We all looked back at her.

"I'm not keeping it. Audrey just thought you needed to know."

***Harry's POV***

"What?!" I said.

"I'm. Not. Keeping. It." She said, irritated.

"How-" I started.

"Stop, Harry. It's not your decision. Audrey just wanted you to know. Now I can go. Have a nice tour." She said, and started to get up.

"No! Stop! Please, just tell me. Why aren't you keeping it?"

"Uh, I thought it was pretty obvious. One, I'm seventeen. Two, I just got kicked out of my house, I can't really afford a baby right now. And three, I'm not going to raise a baby with no father around."

"I could be around..." I said.

"WHAT?!" Everyone in the room screamed.

"Are you actually suggesting that I keep this thing?"

"Maybe...maybe you could. I mean, I can pay for everything. I am it's dad, you know...."

"No, Harry. I'm not keeping it. End of story. Goodbye."

Then, she got up and left. There was no use in stopping her. She was gone. Then, Audrey looked up at me. She had the saddest look on her face that I've ever seen. She got up, walked over to me, and slapped my left cheek. And walked right out of the door, after her friend.

****Audrey's POV****

"Tell me what he said." I signed when we got into the elevator.

"He asked me why I'm not keeping it."

"What the hell...can he not draw conclusions? Does he not know how old you are?" I signed.

"He's just being stupid...but I told him that I'm not keeping it, end of story. And then walked out. What did you do after I left?"

I smirked. "I gave him...a gift. For hurting my best friend."

"I love you." She smiled,

"I know." I signed.

We walked out of the elevator and Peyton started towards the front door, I caught her arm. "No!" I signed.


"We can't go out that way!"

"...why not??" She signed.

"Because, paparazzi knows what I look like, since I was on a date with Niall. They can't see me."

She nodded her head and we started for the back entrance. When we got to the car that Niall was letting me ride in, complete with a personal driver, I stopped.

"Where are we going, anyway?" I signed,

"Anywhere but here. Maybe I can take you with me to beg my parents to let me come backs once they know I'm not keeping it."

"Okay. Lets go."

We got in the car and told the driver the address, and planned how we were going to get Peyton her parents back.

****Niall's POV****

We were all in shock. Liam, Zayn, and Louis looked very confused. Harry was crying with his face in his hands. And I...I was just speechless. "...Harry..." I started.

"Just stop." He said, looking up at me. He got up and went to his bedroom. Louis tried to follow him, but Harry slammed the door in his face.

"Well...." Zayn said.

"Our plane leaves in...oh, great. An hour." Liam said.

"I'll go talk to him." I said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, you just punched him. And your girlfriend slapped him." Zayn said nervously.

"It's okay. I'll go."

He sighed. "Okay. Just get him ready to go in like...five minutes."

"Okay." I said.

I walked to the door and knocked lightly. "Just leave me alone!" Harry shouted.

"We have to leave in like, five minutes, mate."

"I'm staying here, with you. I need to talk to Peyton again."

I opened the door and walked in. Harry was lying on his back on the bed. I sat at the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure management will let you do that?"

"They sure as hell will if I tell them I got someone pregnant." He spat.

"You're going to tell them about it? They'll probably tell paparazzi, knowing them. They try to keep the stupidest things private, and out the biggest things."

"I know, but trust me, Simon won't let them tell anyone. Especially paparazzi."

I sighed. "Okay..." Then I got up to leave.

"Wait." Harry said.

"What is it?"

"Can you text Audrey and ask her when I can talk to Peyton? We're leaving in two days. The sooner, the better."

"Okay I will. Will you at least come say goodbye to the lads?" I said quietly."

"Yeah..." He said and got up. We walked out of the room together and the guys looked up. Louis was the first to get up and give Harry a hug. Then Liam, then Zayn.

"You alright?" Liam asked.

"Yeah...but I'm staying here with Niall. To work some stuff out with Peyton."

The all frowned. "Okay." Louis murmured.

"I promise we'll be there Friday. Maybe Thursday night if we can." I said.

"Okay. See you then." Liam said, picking up his suitcase.

Louis and Zayn did the same and walked towards the door. We all hugged and then they were gone.

****Peyton's POV****

Audrey and I were standing on my parents' porch, waiting for someone to answer the door. We had only been there a few seconds, but the door cracked open. My dad was peeking out to see us. "What do you want?" He said bitterly.

"Dad, I need a chance to talk to you. We need to have a conversation. Please." I pleaded.

"No. Your mother and I don't need to hear anything else. You got yourself pregnant. That's it, you're out."

"Daddy, please! I need you guys! And I'm not keeping it!"

His eyes got big. "What do you mean, 'you're not keeping it'?"

"I mean, I'm not keeping it. I'm getting rid of it."

"Don't talk about that child like its garbage. Come in, and I'll give you a proposition."

"Okay." I said, wiping tears from my eyes.

We walked into my living room and we sat on the huge leather couch. My mom and dad sat on a love seat across from us. Mom closed her book and looked at us.

"What are you doing here?" She signed.

"Our daughter says she's not keeping 'it'." Dad signed.

Mom laughed. "Oh, honey. That's not happening."

"What?!" I signed.

"What do you mean?" Audrey signed.

"I mean, we'll let you back into the house, but you're going to keep this baby. You did this to yourself, and you can't just get rid of it like old clothes. You're going to go through the suffering that you caused for yourself." Mom signed.

I started crying again. Then I looked at Audrey questioningly. She shrugged her shoulders. "Your call." She signed.

I closed my eyes, taking in my last moment of peace, probably for the rest of my life. I took a deep breath, and looked at my parents.

"Okay." I signed. "I'll keep it."

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