Kicked Out

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I grabbed my purse, kissed Nate on the cheek, and walked out of the room, passing my mother who was sobbing in the hallway still. I went to the front desk, and got out my phone. I went to notes and typed 'Do you know when Nate is going to be let out of the hospital?' And showed it to the nurse. She looked confused as to why I was typing my question, until I pointed to my ear. Then she nodded and talked very, very slowly. I could've understood her if she talked a little faster, but oh well. "The doctor says it'll probably be Thursday. And he'll be in a wheelchair because he can't be on crutches with his arm."

I nodded and typed 'Thank you' and walked away. I was almost outside when someone caught my arm. Niall. He looked at me concerned and I signed "Where's s-e-t-h?" He pointed to the parking lot, so I was guessing he's in the car. I nodded and started walking towards the car, and Niall took my hand in his. I blushed, and looked up at him. He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

When we got back to the car, I looked at Seth and started signing for him to interpret. "Tell him that my dad did this, and I haven't seen him since I was a kid. My mom bailed the son of a bitch out of jail and is letting him stay in our house, so I'm not staying there, and I'm not letting my brother either when he gets out on Thursday." Seth looked at Niall and repeated my words. Niall's eyes grew bigger with every sentence. I started crying again in the middle of signing to Seth, and I hadn't stopped. I couldn't stop. How could my mom do this to us? He could've killed her son, but she's letting him stay in our house. I knew that I could stay at Peyton's house, but I'm not sure if they would want Nate there. So where is he going to stay? I got snapped out of my thinking by Niall wrapping his arms around me. I cried onto his shoulder for a couple of minutes until he pulled away. He started signing very, very slowly "" I reached out and lowered his hand. He looked sad when I did that, but I signed to Seth "Tell him I'm staying with my friend from the concert, but I have no idea where Nate is going to stay." Seth translated for Niall and Niall looked at me. He looked like he was thinking hard about something. "What?" I signed. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm...l-e-a-v-i-n-g t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w..." He looked mad while signing that, probably because he couldn't sign most of the words. I looked at Seth and signed "It's okay. You don't have to worry about me. Ill figure something out." When Seth told him, Niall huffed. He said something back to Seth, and he signed it to me. "He said he wants to help you...and he wants to stay with you until Friday to figure it out and make sure you're okay." I shook my head. "No. He's going on tour as planned. We just met, the band wouldn't like it if he just stayed behind because of my problems." I signed. Seth told Niall, and he looked almost mad. He started to say something, when my phone went off. It was a text from my mom.

Mom: Please come home with me just tonight, Audrey. Your dad wants to see you.

I screamed out of anger.

Audrey: That piece of shit is not my dad. I don't care what he wants. I'm going to Peyton's. Don't text or call them, or come by their house. I'll be at the hospital every day, and when Nate gets out, he's coming with me.

Mom: Don't call your dad that. You're lucky he's not reading this, because he could come after you next. Nate is coming home with me, and I don't want to see you there when he gets out, you'll put bad thoughts in his head.


These are the times I really wish I could talk. I wish I cold scream at her for hours, because of what she's doing to my little brother.

Mom: Don't talk to me like that, Audrey! We'll talk later. Just come home with me. I'll make your dad leave for a while.

Audrey: I'm not going to the house. And stop calling him my dad. Just stop. If you care enough about your son to see him while he's in the hospital, I'll see you tomorrow.

A new text message came in a few minutes later, but I ignored it. Niall had been watching me the whole time I was texting, and he looked worried. "Can you take me to my house to get clothes? I'm sorry." I signed to Seth. He nodded his head and told Niall where we were going. Niall looked at me and talked slowly "Where is Nate going to stay when he gets out?" I shrugged my shoulders and wiped some tears away from my eyes. He kissed my cheek and said "I'm staying with you."

"No." I signed. I knew he knew that word at least.

"We don't have another show until Friday. Ill leave on Thursday, and catch a flight to be in Florida by Friday morning. It'll be fine." He said.

"But where will you even stay? I don't exactly have a house to offer your residence at." I signed, and Seth had to translate.

"I'll stay at the hotel I've been at all weekend."

I sighed. It was no use protesting anymore. He was set on staying, and he was going to stay. "You don't have to, Niall. This is my problem, and we just met." Seth translated for me of course.

"I don't care. I know we just met, but I already care about you. I can't leave you when stuff like this is going on."

"Okay, but while you're here, you're learning more sign language. This is terrible. No offense, Seth." When Seth repeated my words, Niall laughed.

"Okay." He smiled.

"P-r-o-m-i-s-e?" I spelled so he could understand.

He held out his pinky. "Pinky promise."

I smiled and we locked our pinkies together. "Can we go to my house now?"

"Of course." He said, and told Seth to go back to my house.

That's when I realized, I haven't told Peyton any of this, and I haven't even asked her to stay with her. So I got out my phone and ignored the text that was already there from my mom.

Audrey: Pey? I don't have time to explain, but do you think I could stay at your house for a few days? It's a long story, and I'll tell you when I come over.

Peyton: Babe, I'm sorry. You can't. My parents...they kicked me out of the house.

Audrey: WHAT?!

Peyton: Yeah...I have to explain later. I'm staying at a hotel, otherwise I would totally let you. Can we meet up and talk? We can both explain?

Audrey: Of course, just let me find a place to stay first.

Payton: Okay babe. I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later.

I looked at Niall and decided to type on my notes instead of waiting to get to the house for Seth to translate my signing. I typed: Peyton got kicked out of her house, and she's staying in a hotel. So I have nowhere to go. I guess I'll just stay at my house.

"No. You're not staying in the same house as that douche. You're coming to my hotel, with me."

'Niall, I can't let you do that.' I typed.

When he read it, he just said "Yes you can. Now go get your clothes." He smiled and pointed out the window. We were already at my house.

I got out of the car and took out my key. I opened the door, and walked into the living room, on my way to my bedroom when I stopped dead in my tracks. Sitting on the couch was a man I haven't seen since I was a toddler. There, sitting right in front of me, was the man who almost killed my brother.

My father.


(A/N) Hey peoples!!! I hope you like this chapter!!

What do you think happened to Peyton? Why'd she get kicked out? You may be surprised!!(:

I'm in the zone right now, so I may start on the next chapter already, but it may not be up for a couple of days.

Keep voting and fanning me!! I always fan back!(:

Have a beautiful Monday tomorrow :P

Love youuuusss!!<3


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