When the school's popular guy saved you from getting raped

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Taehyung pov

Again I saw her, she looked so pretty like an angel. I had a crush on her from the day I first saw her 3 years ago. The way she looks at me, talks to me I guess she likes me. But I never had a courage to express my feeling because I am kinda introvert. Everyone in the school knows that, also every girl droll over me and my friends because we're kinda popular. Not because we bully or something, because of our looks and behavior they droll over us.

Jin : Stop looking at her, and go confess already.

Taehyung : It's not that easy as you think Jin hyung.

Jin : Not that hard too because we all know she likes you.

Taehyung : We can't tell it without knowing.

Jin : Then go and ask her out already.

Taehyung : Fine I'll soon.

Jimin : That means we're getting a treat soon yay.

Taehyung : Yah, Jim. It will depend on her answer.

Jimin : There's no way she will say no.

Taehyung : I hope so.

- He said himself as he left a huge sigh for preparing himself to confess his love to her 3 years crush.

Time skip- (author's pov)

Some groups were gossiping about Taehyung and his squad. As usual a group who hates them because they are more popular than them.

Right now you and your friends are at the cafeteria. You saw Taehyung and his friends were sitting on a table. You and he looked at each other at the same time, you blushed as he was staring at you. You got nervous, your spoon fall down so you took it from the floor when you heard -

Jack : Look at her, Damn her ass aish.

You quickly stand yo fixing your skirt. You don't talk back because you knew he was a fuckboy. Your friends were glaring at him. His whole squad were looking at you as if the are checking out you up to down. You were so uncomfortable. The whole cafeteria was silent at the moment.

But within one second, he was pushed in the floor by Taehyung. Taehyung held his coller as his friends were trying to take them apart.


Jack : What if I did?


Teacher came at the moment hearing Taehyung's growl.

Teacher: Stop, and go to your classes boys.

They both left each other as they were glaring at them.

Jack's Pov:

I found Taehyung's sweet spot. Now let's see how you will save her from me.

Jack : Guys, come here.

Pov end.

Jin : Why did you do that?

Taehyung : He is glad that I didn't kill him.

Jin : You know how he is, he can do anything to y/n.

Taehyung : Nothing will happen, she is in front of my eyes all the time.

Next day

You were packing your school bag as you were about to go to home you saw Taehyung standing outside the gate of school. You smiled knowing he is waiting for you. It's pretty usual he wait for you to give you chocolates everyday. You guys barely talks but you two are friends.

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