Chapter 46

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The Gay Chat

Rainbow_sensation: Brought some legos.

Thatmemedude:Coming over Alex

Rainbow_sensation: Damn. That's a way to get someone to socialise with you lmao.

Thatmemedude: Anyway see you in ten minutes.

Rainbow_sensation: See ya then

*Last seen at 5pm*

George jogged over to Alex's house as soon as possible: he loves legos with a passion. It helped him calm down,especially after a bad day. Today wasn't a good day so it would benefit him if he could play with legos. He has several lego figures;a few of them were also created with Alex as well. His all time favourite creation from lego was a large Titanic Boat which took about 5 and a half hours to finish. It was fun though. He couldn't deny that.

He knocks on the door to see Alex.

"Hey bud. Sorry for the sudden arrival.", he stated first before going in.

"It's fine. It would take about 10 hours to do without you anyways",Alex replied.

They spent the first half an hour or so of silence in order for anyone to even speak. The first thing Alex said "You okay, Georgie"

"Yeah. Why?",they replied.

"It's just concerning that you would just suddenly come to my house like this. I worry about you,buddy",he replied back. This statement was true.

"Don't worry mate. I'm fine.",he said happily.

It takes an extra couple of hours for both George and Alex to finish the structure. It was a Star Wars Millennium Falcon. It would belong to Alex considering that George already had one at home.

Alex put the falcon on the shelf and took a photo to put on his instagram

Alex put the falcon on the shelf and took a photo to put on his instagram

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rainbow_sensation: This took 2 hours to make. Thanks for helping Tagged: Thatmemedude

Thatmemedude: Yeah. I'm pretty cool.

Kenjisparent1999: So cool uwu  

0161onthemap: WOW!

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