Grizzlegore tapped his claw in thought, "Possibly, but we definitely can't bring it up now. The tournament is nearly over so if we startle Dumbledore now the trap might fail." The goblin said pointedly and sighed. "She may not have deadly eyesight, but she's a smart basilisk so hopefully she won't get in the way. This doesn't change our plans for you, Tom. I'll get you to Gringotts and discuss what happened with those connected with the ministry." He said and gestured for Tom to follow him.

"Yeah." Tom murmured as grabbed his own things. "Bye, Kathy."

Kathy handed the teen the homework he just completed, "I made some notes that you can look at. Now don't worry about Opal, ok? I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I hope so." Tom said while trying to hide his worry. With everything, except his dear familiar, being carried with him, Tom and Grizzlegore were consumed by the floo' s green flames ...


Opal felt the book bag she stowed away in finally being set down on the floor. She heard some announcements start and took the chance to nudge the zipper open just enough to poke her head out. After getting a good look around the area under the table she froze. The Malfoy's fluffy familiar nearly spotted her and the baby basilisk refused to get caught without finishing her mission.

It wasn't until she heard the students enjoying breakfast that she risked moving. After all, Sasha jumped gracefully onto Draco's shoulders to watch someone so Draco could eat in peace. Considering the conversations she overheard when at Brian's home she figured both Sasha and Tanzanite would have their eyes locked on the hidden Dumbledore. With that in mind she slithered out of the book bag and twisted her body through the thick wooden brackets on the underside of the table.

For a split second she thought she was in trouble when the book bag flopped over. Thankfully, she was completely tucked out of sight and Julian never suspected a basilisk tipped the book bag over as she escaped. The young wizard's arm came down for a moment to put the book bag back up and then Julian simply went back to eating.

'Now where is this minister human?' Opal hissed to herself knowing very well that no one could hear her with all the noise of munching and chattering students. 'When this tournament starts I'll find the human in charge.'

'What are you planning?' Opal stiffened as she realized that Tanzanite heard her and was flying down to her. 'Explain, hatchling.'

The sassy baby basilisk flicked her forked tongue at the occamy, 'I can make sure the fool is really ended. My master is safe. Let me use my gaze. It's not deadly, but it will stop the fool.'

Tanzanite stared at the baby basilisk as he pondered what to do, 'Don't miss.' He hissed before flying up to perch on Julian.

Opal nodded ever so slightly, 'I won't.'

After a few minutes the students started filing out of the Great Hall, but Opal stayed still until she was sure she wouldn't be seen. Once the chance presented itself the basilisk unraveled her coils from the underside of the table. Using her silence and speed Opal hugged the walls and snuck through the halls.

In order to find the tournament arena she just hid along the castle wall in the courtyard where a few students lingered. After all, there was no reason to hunt for the area. All she had to do was follow the eager students. Of course, that meant she had to wait, but the plan worked. The clueless students went straight to some bleachers along the shoreline without ever realizing they were guiding a basilisk.

'This is a good spot ... now minister human ... where is the minister human?" The young basilisk hissed quietly as she slithered behind the bleachers and up to the shore to get a good view of the bleachers. The basilisk's eyes scanned the people in the bleachers and narrowed on the first person to make an announcement. 'That one has a bag ... and he's giving a noisy thing to someone!"

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