Poem-7 Failure

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I feel like a failure,

But my will power has been my saviour.

I tried and failed about twelve,

but on the thirteenth I will prove myself.

I will show the world I can,

That I'm smarter and stronger than

I have ever been cause my failures haven't broken me completely,

It can never ever defeat me that easily.

It might hurt real bad at first,

But I still have success as my thirst.

I will keep trying,

Until I end up flying.

Cause I'm too smart to just give up like that,

I rather try and fall on my face flat,

Than cry over all my failures.

And even if I fail for the thirteenth,

There's always success beneath.

Cause it teaches you where you were wrong,

And makes you even more strong.

If you fear trying you're a failure.

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