Part 3

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Mabels pov

Dipper had just stared at me, crippled in tears then ran out the shack?! If that isn't confusing enough not even to seconds later he's back with a bag and a  face of glee. Weird child.

My mother used to tell me " we are all children of god" but I never understood how dipper was...

Maybe because of what dad said "god left that boy long ago" parents influence can be strong...

But there is something different about him he's... he... I... he's not normal. I went down stairs to focus on the sock opera.

Dippers pov

I was so excited to try it out I grabbed the journal which had strangely moved slightly to the left... is- is that weird that I remember how I placed things exactly... never mind! I grabbed it and flipped to the next available page and started.

Time skip

I finally finished the page and closed the journal. I thought to myself... Mabel has been acting weird around me again as I said after I told her about the bill encounter... but! Never mind all that I- I have a cure now!

A cure? A cure for what? Well tomorrow will be great I just know it!

Two days from now the sock opera will be on and tomorrow Mabel will help with the password and we can finally solve the laptop hope everything goes well...

Mabel's pov also time skip next day

The sock opera is going well we were putting everything in soos's truck, when guess who showed up! Gabe! He was in all black with his blonde flowing, soft- uhh... I guess it's soft? Anyway his hair was in a ponytail and he was wearing rollerblades. He spoke

"Mabel your enthusiasm is refreshing, unlike the girl from last nights show"
He breathed to calm down "single stitch on one puppet" he made gestures with his puppet covered hands " cross stitch on the other"

I just looked at him confused " cross huh?..."

"Anyway got to roll bye!"

I played cool until he skated off.

I broke down.

" aaaah! We're BACK ON FABRICATION!"

I started running with a box of puppets towards the shack.


I saw dipper walk out of the shack in a... priest outfit? Perfect...

I then proceeded to accidentally run into him and flat on my face-

He helped me up I rubbed my hand on my sweater.

" Mabel... I thought we were going to do the laptop today?..."


"Mabel will you stop being so selfish and actually help!"

"Me selfish! Dipper! You look like a vampire! And not the hot type!" I paused and sighed "dipper can you please play the priest? If you do I will help for an whole week?" I gave a faint I love you brother smile and look into eyes staring back in disgust, but they eventually softened.

Dippers pov

Mabel offer was tempting really tempting but I've been trying to give in to temptation if I say yes my streak will be gone and my subconscious will be stronger. But I loved my sister and if she is  asking for help in return for something she would rather not do than, siblings matter more.

I nodded and said yes.

She then proceeded to dump a bunch of puppets in my arms and twelve small boxes while she walked in with nothing but the Mabel puppet.


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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