"Oh, of course," I said, doing as he asked.

"And have you noticed any tenderness, redness, swelling, or pain to the area?"

"Not at all, just a bit itchy. But the aftercare packet said that should mean it's healing properly?"

"Yep, now let's have a look," he said, carefully rolling up my pants leg. He removed the thin layer of gauze I had wrapped around it, as the aftercare said to reduce to thin layers after a few days. He carefully poked at the spot on my leg, rotating it to check all of the stitches and see what stage of healing it's at.

"Okay, good news! You're cleared to go swimming, just make sure you clean it after, and I'd recommend keeping a wetsuit on for a week or two," he informed me, "but no more boot!"

"Yay!" mum and I said at the same time. I quickly texted Robert the good news

Me: good news!!! I can go swimming!

Robert: SWEET AS! First date a go then?

Me: sure, when and where tarzan :)

Robert: what about Wednesday, your birthday?

Me: sweet as!

I smiled down at my phone. Our first official date was planned, more or less. This was so exciting. Even if Robert and I weren't officially calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend yet, I still couldn't be happier. Maybe our parents were right when we were little, maybe this was the universe bringing us together as kids and being so close was the start of us all along.

Mum and I left the hospital, getting into the car.

"So, Robert and I are planning to go do something together on Wednesday, my birthday," I told my mum.

"Oh, how exciting!! I wonder what he'll have planned!" my mum replied, sounding excited.

"Oh, of course!"

"However, when we get back to the zoo I have to help Terri with getting one of the giraffes ready to be transported to another zoo here in Australia. But remember my friend Elaine?"

"Yeah, she's got a daughter about my age, right?"

"Yep, that's Cait. I was supposed to be at home this afternoon, but since I have to help out at the zoo, I need you to be at the house to greet them. They'll be staying a few weeks with us, as they're getting a house built down here and Elaine wants to oversee the final touches. And then they'll move into their place along with her husband, Allan." My mum explained.

"Oh, that'll be nice to have someone close by that's my age. I know Elaine did volunteer work at the zoo when we first moved here and that's how you two met, isn't it?"

"It sure is! And yes, you need a girl friend too," my mum giggled.

"Oh I know," I laughed, "Wait, don't they live in Gympie?"

"Yes, it's a two and a half-hour drive, they're supposed to be here around 2 this afternoon, so you're free to do whatever as long as you're home before then to show them their rooms and then you're more than welcome to bring them to the zoo."

"Yeah, I can do that! Are we just going straight to the zoo or the house?" I asked.

"The zoo, I figured you'd want to spend some time there, you have a few hours before you gotta run home."

I was glad my mum's friend and her daughter would be staying with us for a bit and then moving here as well. Like mum said, I do need a girl friend. It would be nice to have a friend my age who is a girl, and not an animal. I just haven't had much luck with being friends with girls my age, most of them cared too much about looks and makeup and drama and boys and I would always rather be at the zoo.

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