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Alexstrasza sighed as she stood in her mortal disguise and looked back to Korialstrasz, her youngest consort. "And you sure of this?" she spoke softly not to raise her voice. The young red nodded and looked about before looking at his queen. The Life-binder also looked about, thinking as her long ruby red hair followed her head and her Black horns bobbed up and down as she talked. "Well than, i guess you will have to send them here to me. i will have to speak to them myself."
Korialstrasz looked at bit stunned by her request but before he could resist from going alone, the Red female looked at him sternly. He nodded than flapped his wings.

When the red approached the Burning steppes, he swallowed nervously. Normally he had a brave soul, but he prayed to his queen that it wouldnt be deathwing that he confronted. The lava seemed as Angry as he was nervous as he landed and the entrance than went inside. He took another breath, hardly able to breath from the musky steam. But Korialstrasz knew that Alexstrasza would never put him at risk if it wasnt nessassary, so, he continued to look for the Black dragons lair.

"WHAT?!" The Black Aspects Roar shook the cavern as the young red was thrown harshly to the side from Deathwings anger. You would think that Deathwing had stopped his madness and would have more mercy to other dragons. But The death Aspect had hardly changed at all. Korialstrasz grunted as he pushed him self up and looked at the nasty claw mark in his side. Deathwings back was towards him as the black seemed too in a rage to look at the small red.
"Alexstrasza.... wishes to see you both again" Korialstrasz tried. But deathwing just simply turned around and took a deep breath. Alexstrasza's cosort saw his inhale and quickly threw himself out the way as Deathwings Fire envoloped where the red stood only seconds ago.
"Tell her to mind her own business!" Deathwing scowelled in annoyance. "I will do whatever i wish with my mate! weither thats Ending her or making a new flight with her. Get out my way, insect!"
The young red moved again as the blacks tail came flying towards him, missing him by inches as he ducked. Korialstrasz sighed knowing he must convince the black dragon somehow that it was important that the life-binder see to his childern. She, of course, feared that their new clutch may be corrupted. Alexstrasza had already examined a clutch of theirs once before and you would think that she was being too over the top with this matter. But Korialstrasz knew very well what Deathwing could do to his queen and he didnt want it to happen again. With Misty no where to be seen, he was in the line of fire for Deathwing. Mistygosa would help Korialstrasz see sense into the Black, but without her around, he had no chance. Her absense made the young red wonder but he dare not ask the black.


I sighed and stood. looking around at the newly rising sun on the snowy plains. The Nexus seemed not to have changed a bit as my eyes scanned over it. i shook my head and than walked over the the small cliff ledge. i began chanting a spell, summoning the portal to get back to the Burning steppes.
"Oh, i didnt think you would be here!" i stopped and looked over to Kalecgos as he spoke. His pinkish glowing eyes scanned me for only a second than smiled. "what ARE you doing here?"
i looked around than back to him. "i just needed time to think really, most peaceful place to come i think." i smiled and looked down at the thick snow. It never seemed to snow here but yet there was always a thick layer of it covering the magic grounds. i smiled again at the thought of magic, than looked up to find that Kalecgos had walked closer to me.
"yes. seems you are always in your own world at the moment... but i still fear about your mate. are you sure he is fully healed? is it him that maybe makes you want to have a break?"
i look at him stunned. "No! of course not! i love him and i am positive that he loves me in return and of course he is. would he have me as a mate if he wasnt? i doubt it highly."
The new blue aspect looked doubtful as he glanced away but i didnt give any thought to his unsure expression. "If you are sure, young one. But i still think you should keep your eyes open. but anyway. i will let you get on your way, Misty"
I nod in return and sigh, looking up at him from the ground. "Im sorry about snapping at you Kalecgos. i havent been myself lately, i dont think. its probally just the steam of the cavern. but yes, i will be on my way now." He nods in return than watches me cast my teleporting spell.
The Black growled again angrily and made the earth start cumbling away underneath Korialstrasz, trying to trap him under the cavern, in hopes he'd suffercate from the lack of oxygen. Deathwing was getting too annoyed to chase the small red, so he immediantly cast threats at him. Alexstrasza's mate looked around knowing that he wasnt going to succeed with his quest, but the entrance seemed to be gone. He knew, instantly, that this was one of the Death aspects tricks. "Please, Deathwing, See sense!" He cried as he dodged an on-coming boulder. before getting thrown back again by another. The red coughed and looked at the crimson liqiud of the ground where he had coughed up blood and looked up just in time to see his Deathwings massive paw come towards him. But gave him no time to move. The young red, flew back from the amount of force and Roared in pain as his back collided with a spike on the cavern wall. The spike disappeared, allowing Korialstrasz to side back down to the floor, leaving a large streak of blood on the wall. Again, he coughed and groaned in Agony. "Please... see sense..."
"Neltharion?" Mistys voice came out of thin air, but because of her sudden appearance made Deathwing hit her harshly with Magic. She also flew backwards, hitting her back on a boulder. she shrieked in pain at the sudden thrash. But deathwing did not stop his torment on the young Red.

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