The class decided to buy this land and they would clean it every Sunday.

They went inside of the building, and walked inside their old classroom. They could feel the nostalgia and memories dash in their minds.

Everyone sat at their seats, both teachers stood at the side of the table and so was their daughter.

All of them looked at the front and bowed. "We're back, Koro sensei." They all said and stood up straight imagining their teacher was greeting them.

Some were about to cry, some were sad and some were happy. Many memories were made inside this classroom and many succeeded in the future because of the one particular person.

Everything was completed except for the most important person but they know that they will never see him again but will always remember the memories they shared with each other.

All of them started to arrange the things they bought, and they all started laughing at how all of them hadn't changed and the two teachers were just looking at them proudly.

Seeing their students who were not very friendly, who were abandoned, no bonding and not even getting acknowledged to the other students. Now that most of them are successful, it made them blessed that they were able to teach these students.

The female teacher was about to cry when the other students started to tease her. It made the classroom feel noisy again and the people were still alike when they were middle schoolers.

Only their appearance and occupation change.

The red and blonde hair was looking at the window and saw the nice view of the outside. And the others started to join and they imagined their yellow octopus teacher doing his Mach 20 speed to go to the other country to buy food or just having fun.

They roam around the building feeling nostalgia as they see the area where they practice their skills for fighting knives, they play with the male teacher. Doing tags, the female teacher and her daughter were the police guarding the circle.

While the others were jumping, running, and climbing in the forest, the male teacher knew that the kids had grown for the past year. All of them were bonding again and felt like they were still kids.

They go to the pool where everyone almost died because of the idiot one, causing him to shout that he didn't do it on purpose and everybody laughs at him.

They roam around the forest when they remember fighting to save and kill Koro sensei and the cliff where the red hair almost died but was saved by his teacher. And it made the blonde smack him because she was worried that if he might die that day, she would feel lonely.

But the red-haired male just hugged her and said that he will buy her a banana juice and everyone laughed at them.

Everyone came back to their classroom and talked about things that they did in the past years. Some were getting married, some were engaged and some were professional workers.

Like being a famous pitcher, editor, photographer, nurse, advertiser, artist, inventor, politician, sniper, actress, an idol and even a restaurant owner.

All of them look so happy bonding together and forgetting that the sun has already set. They decided it was time to go. So all of them cleaned the classroom and put some things to offer to their beloved teacher.

They walked outside, looked at the place where they were all together, holding their teachers' tentacles and waiting for the blue-haired male stabbing his heart.

Everyone in that place remembered the things they all did together from being abandoned to being praised. They looked at the moon and saw their teacher's smiling face.

The couples hugged each other and put their heads on their partners shoulders, the others were smiling while looking at them and the male teacher held his daughter and the female teacher hugged them while looking at the moon.

After a while, they all looked at the old building again and said in their thoughts.

"Happy birthday Koro sensei."

As they bid goodbye to the mountains, they all started walking away going down and the moon was smiling at them. It was their teacher saying thank you to them.

All of them had already left and then two people were sitting at the front of the building. It was at the entrance, they were sitting on top of it while hugging.

And knowing that the people who just came, will visit them again and again and again.

The night was long and so are their memories but what changes is that all of them change for their own good.

They were all growing older and they've been thinking about it lately.

But it never drives them crazy, just how fast the night changes.

Everything that you've ever dreamed of, disappears when you wake up but there's nothing to be afraid of, even when the night changes, it will never change.

Me and You.

KᗩᖇIO➷♡ [UNDER EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora