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TW: Mentions of sexual assault

I stood at the sink staring at my hands running under the freezing water. I watched as my pale hands began to turn blue. I thought about the delicate skin under my black painted fingernails turning blue just like my mother's had on the day that she-

"PRESLEY! Mr. Doe really wants you back in there. NOW!" Victoria, the goody-two-shoes of the class, yelled which snapped me out of my trance. She waited for me to dry my hands before snapping her head around and escorting me back to the classroom. We walked in silence. I focused on the short figure walking in from of me. Her brown bob (which gave her the Dora vibe) bounced when she walked. She had circle framed glasses which she probably wanted to look like Harry Potter or something. She looked like Velma from Scooby Doo. Or Edna Mode. Something like that. 

"Presley, you can't wear hats in this school,"  She said, snatching my beanie off my head, revealing my blonde on one side, black on the other, long messy hair. I had horrible hat head. I grabbed my hat back and put it back on my head. I hated the way she said my name 'Presellee'. Like I was some medicine brand. 

"Ah Ms. Smith! Glad you could make it back." My pervy teacher, Mr. Doe, said making his way to my desk. His pants bulged obviously signifying that he is, in fact, a pedophile. 

"Yeah..." I said trying to lean away as his hand went for my thigh. He squeezed it and stared at me with a disgusting smile on his face.

"MR. DOE!" I heard a familiar voice call his name from the doorway. I looked up to see the principal standing there in shock. Her and I didn't get along because I seemed to always be in trouble with her but it didn't matter because obviously if you see a kid getting harassed you do something about it.

"Mrs. Brinkkham!" He said quickly pulling his hand away.

"Don't think I didn't see that," She responded. "Out of my school at once. The authorities WILL be called." She said sternly before coming over to see if I was okay...

I finished recounting my tale of how I got Mr. Doe yesterday to some kids before I got called to the principals office.

 "Ugh not again." I said, making my way to Mrs. Brinkkham's office.

"Come in Miss Smith. And let me assure you, this time you are not in trouble. Let me cut to the chase. Did Mr. Doe ever touch you at all before that?" I blushed at the question.

"I mean... yeah. He touched my boobs, thigh, got dangerously close to my uh, down there area."

"Did he threaten you?"

"Of course. He always threatened to do messed up shit to me and some of the other kids. Like sex shit." I said shuddering.

"Thank you Miss Smith. That is all. Please make your way to first academic."

I saluted her then walked off to my first period which used to be Mr. Doe's class. I walked in and took my usual seat, wondering who the sub would be. About 5 minutes later a tall woman walked in. She wore a yellow dress and blue heels. Her brown, wavy hair fell over her shoulders and her tan skin looked super smooth in the lighting. She looked about 2-3 years older than me. Probably 20 or 21. She turned around and scrawled her name on the white board in nice, curly writing. And DAMN she had a nice ass. I quickly looked at her face when she turned around. She had cute freckles and gorgeous green eyes. 

"Greetings class. I am Ms. Grey Thomas. Your new history teacher." She said showing her straight, white teeth.

'Damn,' I thought. 'This might be the first time I actually pay attention in this class.'


A/N- new book. Hope y'all like it! Enjoy loves. Be sure to vote on ur favorite chapter and add to ur reading list! Bye!

Sincerely, Ms. ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now