{"He's not a threat." The voice say what I was expecting.}

'I understand that,' I say getting frustrated, 'but he was in my fucking house at 1am! Don't you think that's a little unsafe!'

{"You were safe." The voices tell me.}

'How? You still could have warned me since I was naked! Or just told me if he was lying!' I yell in my head.

I grab an erotic book off the shelf too at to my 'To Be Read'  collection before heading to the poetry section. The voices don't respond.

'Hello!' I yell in my head. 'Say something!' They don't respond and my head starts pound from all the yelling.

I grow frustrated, "You give me headaches." I say to the aloud.

"What's the matter little mouse? Thinking too hard?" I look down a row of books next to me to see Dabi reading on the floor. 

"You're following me!" I say to him.

"Shh Y/N, you're in a library if you couldn't tell." He smirks sarcastically, pointing around the room.

"I'm just so happy to see you." I say sarcastically.

I turn to leave, leave the whole bookstore now that my whole plan is ruined upon seeing him.

"God, you're adorable," he smiles, "Not at all gross today." 

Without stopping or turning around, I give him the middle finger and he laughs.

"I'm not following you, I come here all the time. Never seen you here." He says following me.

I keep walking not bothering to respond. He has to be following me, how else would we just 'run' into each other a few days after he very obviously followed me home.

"What are you reading?" Dabi grabs my book. 

I reach to grab it away from him but he quickly turns and holds the book out of my reach. I don't bother fighting with him instead I cross my arm and display a unfriendly warning on my face.

I know very well that when he reads the cover of the book he's going to giggle like a little school boy and make fun of me. If someone disagree's with what I choose to read, I say 'fuck them.'

"It's too mature for you to understand so can I have it back." I tell him.

"Oh I didn't take you for an erotica reader." He says surprised as he reads the cover.

"Really? Well I thought you would have known with how intrusive you are." I say back, referring to his stalky nature.

"You're right, I don't take you as innocent." He smirks handing the book back.

"Really, because I am a woman-of-god," I smile at him, "I get down on my knee's for god every night." I say lowering my voice.

I should walk away now, but I can look away from his devilish smile. He stalks closer to me and I step back to keep the distance.

Instead, he completely closes the distance between us by grabbing onto my waist, guiding me back so I'm pinned between him and the bookcase.

"Oh good woman, for I have sinned. Get on your knee's and repent with me." He says, making feel sensations all around my body.

I start feeling vulnerable as his hand slides around the curve of my waist, and I refuse to give into the arousal he gives me. 

He leans into my ear and bites down on my lobe, causing a breathy noise to escape my lips. He lets out a deep laugh and the heat of his breath send shivers down my body. 

Oh Please, Betray Me (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now