Chapter 15: The Guy with Silver Hair

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"I'm not positive I know how to drive this thing!" Ryan yelled, feeling like she was about to crash the truck. "You can pilot a quinjet but not a truck?" Clint asked. "I drove everything, except for a truck cause I never needed to!" She tried pressing the brakes but it didn't seem like it was working.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" She punched the steering wheel in annoyance. "Brakes don't work" Ryan alerted the others. "So we are in an unstoppable truck driving on the highway?" Melody repeated. "Technically yes" Ryan grumbled.

"Take a hard right so you can avoid civilians" Steve spoke in her ear. Before she can turn, she felt Melody teleport next to her and put her seatbelt on.

"I'm not on the truck anymore!" Steve yelled into the comms. "On it, i'm only few seconds away from the cradle" Natasha said. Ryan looked up to see a line of police officers with their guns raised up. "Shit" She muttered before poking her head out of the window.

"MOVE, IT DOESN'T HAVE BRAKES" She shouted at the officers who still didn't move an inch. "I can teleport there and get them out of the way" Melody suggest, Ryan quickly nodded.

Ryan watched as Melody pulled the officers aside. Ryan looked at the mirror to see the behind of the truck getting lifted up. "Nat? Are you still in the truck?" Ryan looked back to the front. "Yes?" Natasha answered. "what!?" Ryan exclaimed, only getting near the wall.

Ryan opened the door and jumped out, she thought she felt cool since she landed superhero style which was not the time. Ryan watched as the car collided with the wall with no one being harmed. "Great work Melody!" Ryan high fived Melody who walked towards her. "It's still not over" Steve said.

"Get on the train, fast" Melody held Ryan's hand and teleported to the train to see Steve and Ultron fighting. "Come on" Ryan dragged Melody to join the fight. She created a sword and attacked from behind, stabbing Ultron's back. "This is annoying" She heard him say before he threw Ryan from his back and onto the ground.

"You're pissing me off" Ryan smirked before she created a grenade, pulling the pin and throwing it at him.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN" She yelled making everyone hide under their seats. The explosion shattered lots of windows and people screamed. Ryan felt a few glass shreds cut through her skin.

"My face" She heard the robot say with glitchy features. "What did you do?" He said, getting angrier looking around to find Ryan.

"I did what I had to do" Ryan commented from behind him, he turned around and was about to shoot her with a blast, she covered her face with her arms before a blue blur collided with Ultron making him lose his balance and fall down. A red mist made the railings close on Ultron. "You don't have to do this" He said his voice breaking from explosion. "What choice do we have?" Ryan looked behind her to see the girl who she tasered, saving her life.

Ultron blasted the door and flew outside. "We lost him!" Steve spoke onto the comms warning the others that he is on the loose again. The brunette extended her hand to Ryan, to help her up. Ryan took her hand and got up. "Thank you" She hesitated thanking them at first, but decided to because it's something you say to someone when they save your life.

"It's nothing" She smiled. "There are civilians on the way" Steve said, mentioning how fast the train was going and it's not on tracks anymore. The guy sped out of the train and cleared people out of the way along with Melody who teleports people away from the train. "Anybody have eyes on Nat?" Clint ask on comms.

"Do you have the cradle?" Steve asked. "Yes but Nat is-" Clint spoke before Steve cut him off. "Get it to Tony!" She could hear Clint curse before he headed back to Stark Tower.

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