"Why are you saying this?" Sero asked.

Bakugo showed him the watch, which had 2 and a half minutes left. He continued.

"Nobody can have a flawless track record. There's always going to be one thing that'll keep someone awake at night. Whether it be dropping a building on someone or just being unable to save one person. But if we can't grow from it, how can we be heroes? To be number one, you have to make mistakes and learn from them. The Accords were a mistake. I'll persuade my guys to help bust you guys out."

"How?" Sato asked, "This place is a compound. Yeah, you have some pretty heavy hitters on your team, but you won't be able to do it on your own."

"Yeah," Sero said, "you'd need someone who could hide your approach, someone who could warn you of traps before hand, and someone who could destroy the locking mechanisms through one of a few ways."

"Wait," Bakugo said, "are you saying -"

"You'll need the rest of the class to help you? Including Midoriya? Yes."


Every plan he tried to come up with left a wide open spot that could only be filled by a member of the remaining six who didn't sign. One minute remained.

"I'M NOT ASKING DEKU FOR HELP!!! I... I CAN..." he kept thinking, but there were always flaws with the plans that were easily exploitable. He dropped to his knees, "I... I can't. Fine. I'll ask Deku for help."

He rose and took a few pictures on his phone of the cells and their contraptions, as well as the cells with occupants. The timer ran out after he'd taken his final picture. He returned to the command center, and Tony went to talk with the other four. Bakugo walked through to the helicopter and just sat waiting. Tony returned after a while, saying that Sam didn't give him anything. When they took off, Tony told Bakugo where they all were: Siberia.

"That's great and all," Bakugo said, "but if we take this chopper there, we'll be tracked, and they'll be arrested. I don't want my classmates to be in the devices they have."

"Just press that button," Tony said, referring to a button close to Bakugo on the console between them.

Tony pressed the one closest to him, and an Iron Man suit assembled itself around him. Bakugo pressed his, and rather than a suit, he got a pod shaped like a bomb. They both flew to Siberia.


The quinjets landed outside the long forgotten Hydra base. The ramps opened, and the 1-A students ran in after the cold slammed into them. Steve and Bucky were slower to follow. They slowly made their ways to the lower levels. Several rooms away from their objective, they heard an elevator behind them creak. All eight prepared themselves for an attack. The doors opened, revealing a glowing circle in a metal chest with glowing eyes, as well as a head of spiky blonde hair behind it. Tony and Bakugo stepped into the hall the eight were in.

"You seem a little defensive," Tony said.

"It's been a long day," Steve replied.

"Take it easy, Grease," Bakugo said, "he's not after you, and I just need to talk to Deku."

"What is it, Kacchan?" Midoriya asked, "Did you come to help us, or not?"

"Deku," Bakugo mumbled, "hn nnnn mnnnn hnnn."


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