His boyish laugh filled the car, bouncing off the glass windows. It seeped into the fibers of the seats- which vibrated from the hardiness of it. Resonating off my skin. I couldn't bite my laughter anymore. His laugh was too hysterical not to laugh at. It was so high-pitched. Like a little boy.

He cooled down. "But seriously Bey, what's wrong?"

My smile faded. "Nothing, I'm just a little nervous."

"You sure that's it?" He asked unconvinced.


He placed a kiss on my forehead. "You know you are the worst liar ever right?"

I lightly brushed him off, mumbling in my annoyance. He chuckled again and pulled me into a hug. The way he stroked my arm I could tell that he had something else to ask me. I could always sense when he had something on his mind. Like on auto-pilot, his hand ran up and down my forearm repetitiously. It felt absent. I titled my head waiting for him to speak, if at all. I wondered if he was just as worried about this as I was about my surgery.

"Bey I feel there's more than just nerves bothering you. I see it in your face." He paused. "Does it have anything to do with your ex popping up the other day?"

I had yet to think or even speak about that since it happened. I wouldn't allow myself. I spent too much energy cursing Boris and blaming him for my predicament that I had no brain power left to have him occupy it. However, that presumption sounded way better than the true reason I was troubled. And what a shallow reason.

"A little."

"You know we never got to talk about that." He reminded.

"I like it that way."


"Look let's not do this... not today. It's our day right now baby." I kissed his neck. "I don't want to ruin this talking about that, please."

"Aight. You're right." He backed off kissing my temple. "Well you ready Bey?"

I deeply exhaled and nodded my head. His embrace left me. I heard him open and close his car door. Seconds later, my side was opened for me. I unhooked my seatbelt and held out my hand. He took it and guided me out the seat.

"It's now or never." I whispered.

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