He hit George in the back of head with the pillow. George in response yelped and dropped all of the pillows in his arms. George turned around, "DREAM WHAT THE HECK?!" He yelled. Dream's snickers quickly turned into his usual wheeze laughter.

George huffed, 'Two can play that game.'

George took one of the few pillows he had dropped and threw it at Dream. Dream reacted quickly, blocking the pillow thrown at him with his arms as he continued laughing. George scoffed then got the pillow he previously threw at Dream then began continuously swinging it at Dream.

Dream of course didn't stop laughing- "OW- PFFT- GEORGE STAP-! STAP-!" He pleaded, clenching his stomach which was now hurting because of how hard he had been laughing. George stopped and looked at Dream with slight concern, "You okay-?" He asked, chuckling a bit.

Dream took deep breaths, wheezing quietly, "Yeah-...yeah I'm okay now." He sighed. "Alright now get up." George laughed, picking up all the pillows he had dropped then proceeding to dump all of them on the couch. Dream got up then went back to George's room, sighing.

Dream got the rest of the pillows. He then made his way to the living room and dropped all of them on the couch. "I can't believe you made me do all of that." He joked. George laughed, "I was too lazy to do it alone." "Of course."

George took the blankets that were sloppily folded off the couch, unfolding them. "Wait don't we need chairs?" Dream asked. "Oh! Right, yeah, yeah, there's chairs in the dining room, go get like...three? Yeah three." George said, turning his head to the dining room. Dream nodded and walked into the dining room. He only took two chairs since that was about much he could carry. He made his way back to the living room. He placed the two chairs in front of each other, making them also face each other. He then took one of the chairs and pulled it back, making them distant.

George then proceeded to place the blanket over them, connecting the chairs' backrest. He places pillows over the ends of the blankets to keep it in place and make sure that it didn't collapse. He did this as Dream got the third chair. Very short after Dream came back with the third chair, placing it in between the two other chairs. He pulled it back as George got the other blanket ready. He put it over the third chair's backrest and spreaded the other end onto the other blanket. He was reliefed that the extra weight of the blanket didn't make the other collapse.

Dream got two pillows and put it on the blanket's end on the chair. "This is actually pretty good.." Dream muttered. "Thank you." George said proudly. George then went to the pillows on the couch and pushed them off onto the carpeted floor. The two got on the floor and pushed the pillows under the tent.

They spreaded the pillows around on. Dream laid down and sighed, enjoying the soft pillows as he hugged on himself. George laid next to Dream, "That was fun besides the work." He muttered. Dream nodded, "Yeah..."

"This is actually really comfortable somehow." Dream said, somewhat amused. "I know, right?" George chuckled. George scooted closer to Dream and laid his head onto the pillow Dream was hugging. Dream chuckled and took one arm off the pillow, reaching his hand to pet George's hair. George closed his eyes, "Now I feel tired." He said. "Why? Because I started petting you?" Dream asked, giving a small laugh at the end.

"I dunno, it's calming.." George whispered. Dream sighed and proceeded to pet George.

And with George being George, of course. He drifted to sleep.

Once Dream noticed this he scoffed, "You little shit..." He chuckled. He didn't really know what to do now with George asleep so, "Eh, I guess I'll sleep too or something." He mumbled. And with that he also fell asleep.


George woke up.

What a miracle.


He turned his head to see Dream sleeping, snoring softly. George smiled and sat up carefully to not wake up Dream. He went to his room and got his phone then walked back into the living room. He crawled back into the tent and laid next to Dream. He turned on his phone and opened his camera. He flipped the angle to face them and lifted it above them. He then took a picture, looking at the results. He smiled menacingly and went to his and Sapnap's chatbox.



[Insert Picture] Slept with Dream. :You


George chuckled to himself, "Loser."


Sapnap was chilling on his couch, scrolling through random things. Until he got a text message.

Goggles Had Messaged You!

Sapnap smiled and tapped the notification.


Goggles: [Insert Picture] Slept with Dream.


Sapnap's eyes widened. "Did they..." Sapnap trailed off. "DID THEY FUCKING DO IT?!"

Poor Sapnap.

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