Chapter 21: A Second Chance for Two

Start from the beginning

He'd been correct. The male police officer and exorcist were standing with their backs to him. The bedroom door had been left open, giving him a decent view of the scene. He could also see Cadon sitting on the couch with someone next to him. 

Likely Sasha and her friend. 

He tried to think of a way to help them when his eyes zeroed in on the exorcist's left hand. 

He's got Nikolai's ring!

Of course he'd bring it to try and bribe them, or threaten, if that didn't work. 

We might stand a chance if I can get him out of that, but I don't think I can sneak so close without being heard. 

He was about to try, though, since that seemed like his only option now, but right before he started pushing the door open he noticed something take form in front of his eyes that he couldn't quite process immediately. 


The fish, which was about four inches long, was a beautiful translucent gold as it slowly swam about before his nose. It flicked its tail as it ascended a few inches, then wiggled downward when it wanted to lower its body in the air. 

Caleb must have sent you. 

He wasn't sure why, though. 

Looking up, back toward the group in the living room, he suddenly realized that it wasn't just the fish that was appearing. The entire wall he could see past the exorcist, which would normally be the front door, window, and part of the outer wall of the second bathroom, was now completely covered in iridescent fish tanks. All manner of creatures swam in the tanks, from little tiny darting fish to octopuses and grouper. 

You upgraded again, huh? 

It was gorgeous, but he knew that it wasn't meant to distract him. Returning his attention to the exorcist and the cop, they both seemed perplexed by the sudden illusion, but refused to be swayed. The exorcist, especially, was getting angry as he pulled out a lighter and flicked it on, then held up the little plastic toy ring that held Nicolai's soul. 

I can't keep waiting. 

He quickly sprinted forward as more fish began to float around the different rooms. It took some effort not to try and dodge any and accidentally give himself away. 

Don't look. Please don't look!

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side this time. 

The exorcist turned right as he reached out toward the ring. It was yanked back, and without a hint of hesitation, the lighter was lifted up to it. 

Taylor only had a split second to make a decision, but he knew that once he'd done it, that it was definitely the right one. He closed his hand over the lighter's flame right before the fire could catch hold of the little plastic ring. At the same time, he shoved his other hand forward and since he doubted the man would release it easily, he just slipped his pointer finger through the center. 

"Help me help save you and Kay!" he hissed out as pain radiated through his other hand from the burn he'd just obtained. 

While his hand felt extremely hot, the ice that suddenly shot through his veins chilled its way through his body in every single direction. The abrupt change in temperature had him gasping and dropping to his knees, but even as the exorcist tried to remove the ring or lighter from either of his hands... he couldn't. 

"You are getting on my last nerve, boy!" the man yelled as the police officer beside him unclasped the gun at his side. 

Taylor wasn't aware of the situation enough to react, already shivering and feeling as if something else was taking control. 

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