"Because I'm no expert." He replied like he was stating the obvious.

"So what?"


"Okay, okay." I gave in. "You're probably annoyed by me anyway."

I sunk back into my bed and sandwiched the phone between my cheek and the mattress, returning to my initial curled up ball position.

"You really think that?" He asked.

I sniffled again. "I don't know. I mean I really have been pestering you lately with all my problems." I feigned a weak laugh. "And here I am probably dampening your mood every day. I'm pitiful."

"You're not pitiful and feel free to always dampen my mood." He joked for a second. "But really, I don't want you thinking like that. You give me purpose."

"What do you mean?"

"I already told you, I want to help you fix it in any way that I can... but I can't do all of it, you need to want to do it for yourself too."

With that he grabbed his keys while I ran back upstairs to retrieve my shoes. We exited the house and hopped into his car. For the first time, the drive with him wasn't tense. We made casual conversation and I made it a point to keep it light. The only time the flow of conversation caught a snag was when he would ask me something related to my past, being that he had been the one doing most of the soul-bearing this weekend. I would switch the subject quickly. He wouldn't say anything about it but I know he noticed. Although he was really expressive to me, I wasn't quite ready to return that favor. I know it wasn't fair. After all, I did just learn that I am selfish. Besides I just got used to not running like a bat outta hell to get away from him. Now I actually enjoyed being around him. Eventually I might let him in... maybe.

We pulled up to my driveway and we said our goodbyes.

"Goodbye Beyoncé."

I smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek. He seemed a little stunned. I was rather surprised myself, though I chose not to show it.

"Goodbye Al."

I hopped out of his car and closed the door. He sat looking at me through the window. I looked right back standing in my same position with my hand on the handle. Bowing my head, I mouthed a gracious 'thank you'. He mimed a 'no problem' before backing out of my driveway.

I took in a large inhaled breath as I approached my front door. On the inside I was praying that both Kelly and Michelle were nowhere near my house. There was such an eagerness in Kelly's voice when she found out I was still at Lazaro's house this morning, which is leading me to believe that she was definitely inside lurking with her million and one questions. Jesus couldn't hold back a nosy and highly determined Kelly, let alone Michelle. I cautiously opened my front door. Only enough to peek my head in to look for any warning signs of them being there. Inch by inch I squeezed my body through the ajar opening with my eyes still peeled and scanning over the living room. My ears were perked up like a dog, listening. I tipped toed throughout the house, from the living room into the kitchen, traveling upstairs to search my bedroom as well as the guest rooms. The coast seemed clear. The breath I was holding in was released into a grateful sigh. Michelle must have managed after all. I headed back into my room and collapsed onto the mattress.

"Explain yourself!"

I screamed when Kelly and Michelle busted out of my bathroom. Why didn't I check in there?

"What the hell Kelly?!" I yelled.

"Mmm." Kelly shook her head with a smug expression. "Look Chelles, I betcha that's the same clothes she was wearing last night. Is this the morning after heffa?"

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