𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑥

Start from the beginning

Midnight then announced the first event, the obstacle race.
Standing near the front of the gate, I readied my quirk, ignoring how sick I felt from all the water I drank.

"Start!" Midnight exclaimed.
I started to run, producing low temperature flames behind me to propel me faster.

I suddenly felt cold, I quickly activated my quirk surrounding my body just in time. Covered in flames, I escaped the ice, created by no other than Todoroki.

He slid across the ice, I managed to stay almost in line with him. I increased the temperature of the flames on my feet, melting the ice.

I noticed behind us were some of our classmates, including Bakugo, Kirishima, Momo, and Aoyama. The others found it challenging having to break through Todoroki's ice.

Soon enough, I approached the first barrier.
"So this is what they used in the general entrance exam?" I heard Todoroki mumble.

He was right, it did look like what some of my classmates had described to me.
I quickly ducked and increased the temperature of my fire to melt the metal of the robot, which turned out successful.
The robot collapsed, I continued making my way to the next barrier.

"Class 1-A, (L/N)!" Present Mic announced. I couldn't help but smile slightly.
Todoroki was still ahead of me, I hoped to pass him.

"It's the fall!" Present Mic screamed, almost making me wince. Ahead was a cliff, but instead of a ledge it had many circular landing points connected by rope.
This really is too easy.

I propelled myself, jumping across each platform, burning the rope in the process. I felt bad, but I had to win.

Todoroki had made it to the red staircase before I could. Bakugo was inching up behind me.

They still hadn't announced how many people would make it through, I couldn't risk anything.
"Oh shit." I accidentally said aloud as I approached 'The Minefield'. My flames would set the mines off, I grew weary.

Bakugo noticed my hesitation, and flew ahead of me and Todoroki with his explosions. I had to go, I used a stream of low temperature flames to hoist me in the air.

Right in front of me, Bakugo and Todoroki started to fight. I couldn't make out what they were saying, all I heard was Present Mic and Bakugo yelling.

They pushed and pulled each other, I saw an opportunity. I knew I had to land at some point, Bakugo's head looked like a good target.
Using that split second to regain energy, I propelled myself yet again, ignoring Bakugo's threats to kill me.

"What's this?! (L/N) in Class 1-A is now in the lead!" By the end of this, Present Mic would probably cause me some major ear damage. The finish line was dead ahead, I was so close.

Hearing a major explosion behind me, I thought Bakugo had finally shaken off Todoroki. But when a shadow came overhead, I realised I was wrong.

I used all the energy I could muster to get ahead. Todoroki came behind me in a.. cold pursuit. I wasn't paying attention to Midoriya, he took the piece of metal he was taking flight on and slammed it on the mine. How could I have been so stupid.
Midoriya had gotten first?!

Second place wasn't what I wanted. I don't feel satisfied.
Present Mic screamed, "We will announce the results later! Good job everyone!"

Feed The Flame - [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara