Chapter 12: Getting to know each other

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After the 'flu' last week i was back again for school. I'm being paranoid because i kept on avoiding Ollie. Specially right now, of what happened in the apartment. I can't stop thinking of that. His lips on mine,the way he caress my face. Oh shut up, Rain.


"Ohshit!!!" I cursed when i was shocked who called by my side,i turned and it was Pau.

"Ah-h-hi. Pau. Am sorry i was shocked" i said to him..

"No, worries i was just passing when i saw you"

"Oh, uhm- i better keep going, bye Pau" am not avoiding Pau. It's just that Pau is not my business anymore and i even forgot the stupid plan of my revenge because Ollie came in the picture.

"O,Rain? Do you mind if i join you in lunch?" He said hoping that i say yes to him. But before i could say a word.

"She's coming with me, Mc Conner"

It was Ollie,standing at the far corner of the hall. His hands are inside his pockets and he literally defined the word. HOT.

I looked at Pau who is now clenching his jaw looking at Ollie who is now walking to our direction.

Why is he acting like this?,is he jealous! ?

"Is that so, Ascot?" Pau smirked at Ollie and i can feel a little tension is going to happen. I must stop this.

"Uh-uhm he's right, Pau. Ollie and i are going for lunch" i held Ollie's arm and he playfully landed his free arm to hang it around my shoulder.

"Is that so,Rain? Well,maybe next time" Pau smiled but it didn't reached his eye. I was taken a back of his sudden reaction but i held Ollie's arm tight. When Pau left. I sighed heavily.

"You're still not done with the guy,sweetheart?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You still love the dude, don't you?" My eyes opened wide of what he said. How?,what? How did he know?

"I want to know more about you. Rain Winters"


"Hmm. I live in New Jersey,i have a brother who studies in Yale and my mom and dad were divorced" i lazily told Olli while munching my favorite Mojo Potatoes and sour cream dip..

"Well, my turn, I'm a son of Oliver Ascot, The Oliver Ascot of Ascot Incorporated. Uhm- i have a sister and she's in Colorado with her family. And i live in State Hotel,and i also hang out in bars and exclusive resorts"

"Wow, so is there any more'fabulous' hobbies  you still do?"

"Well besides dancing and cooking.. Hmm.. That's all" he smiled at me and that made me to roll my eyes on him. He is so Narcissistic and So full of his self and wealth. So boastful and arrogant. Why the hell did i liked this guy?

"Hey,you didn't tell me about your Mom"

"Oh,i forgot.." ..... "She died when i was still a kid" he smiled again but it didn't reached his eye.

"Uh-uhm I'm sorry" i felt awful of why did i asked about it. I looked down because of humiliation.

"Hey" he gently lifted my face by using his index finger and lifting my chin. I slowly looked at him with pity.

"Don't be sorry. Besides, I've grown and I've already accepted the fact that my mom was gone. Besides she left us to be a decent family eventhough she passed away." This time, he smiled with full of concern and sympathy. This is the first time i saw him smile. A true smile.

"How 'bout you? What's up with Mc Conner?" He quizzically looked at me.

Should i trust him? .


"Whoa, so from the nerdy commoner turned to a hot chick huh? Very nice" i slapped his arm lightly.

I told him every detail of my past. Besides, i trashed my plan anyway. And i know getting to know this guy is a start of a new life for me.

"I really like you, Ollie" i said it out loud.

Before i could realized what I've said his eyes widen and his mouth formed an O in deep surprised.

OmyGee ?! Did i really said it outloud?!

"He-hey? Aren't you gonna tell something!" I braced myself for his response i have to act cool and not be embarrass of my confession to him. Suddenly he smiled playfully and looked at me.

"You're a one brave young lady,aren't you?" We both burst out laughing at each other.

Suddenly i felt warmth on my hands, it was Ollie's hand intertwined with mine.

"Let's just take this slow, okay? I'm happy that you also feel the same way" this time i blushed but not so long our lips locked with each other and just enjoying the moment.

Yeah . Just take it slow.


We were walking back to the studio when Mary appeared. She looked bewildered seeing Me and Ollie,but the next thing she saw was our hands intertwined. Mary gasped and hysterically trying to say words but she ran out of voice in her mouth. I shook my head and we just continued walking until were both facing closely at Mary.

"What? You? Him? How?" She was really bewildered. And i just kept on biting my lip to stop the urge of laughing at her. While Ollie was also doing the same.

"Hey, Maria!!! We're officially dating. Now fix your self or you'll look like a rusting old toy out here. End of story, you happy now?"

Before Ollie could be ready of Mary's response. We were avoiding Mary's high pitched squealing voice. Mary is the over exaggerated person that i know.

"What the heck? You,two?! You old hogs!! When are you dping this? When i last saw the both of you ,you're not this close now you're both dating?! How could you do this to me? Am i the last person to know this? Omygosh I'm so hating the both of you already"

We were both laughing when Mary nearly ran out of breathe by saying her speech to us.

"It's okay, sissy atleast you know it now" Mary pouted and the three of us walked inside the studio and just like Mary the Crew were also shocked to our sweet little revelation.

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