Morning aches.

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Omen rolled onto their back and winced in pain, clutching at the huge indentation on their chest.


They then sighed and lay there for a while. They didn't really want to move. After an hour or two passed, Omen finally decided to get up, even if they didn't want to. They slowly elevated themself, biting their tongue the entire time. The pain on their chest rattled through their ribcage, it felt like all of their upper organs were being poked at with needles.

Finally sitting up, Omen stared at themself in the mirror. They then traced a finger very lightly over their wound.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow..." they pulled their hand away quickly. "why did I do that? There was no need to do that."

They then stood up and stretched carefully. They didn't wanna feel any worse then they already did. They actually had a visit to one of the villages nearby. They needed to meet up with a cleric they knew somewhat well. They knew that he'd be able to help them out with easing the pain, Omen still had so much work to do around BrightsBurg Anyway. The new tavern they were building needed to be finished and restocked anyway.

Omen stepped outside of their home, accidentally squishing one of their flowers beneath their foot.

"Shit, sorry..!" Omen sighed.

They stepped cautiously onto the bridge that went right over the BrightsBurg River, looking to the pond nearby. Omen's husband Hank sat near the edge.

"Well hello Mr. Steel~!" Omen chirped.

"Omen!" Hank quickly stood up, almost sprinting towards them. "What the hell are you doing out of bed. You're hurt.. really hurt!"

"It's not unbearable.." Omen chuckled softly. "I'm actually going to meet someone, I think I finally have a guy who's got the medication I need."

"Oh, that's great 'en!" Hank placed a small kiss on omen's head. "Be safe. Seriously."

"I will I will!! Jeez Hank.." Omen brushed it off. "I'll be on my way now, see you when I get back!!"

"Okay, see you!" Hank waved goodbye to omen.

As they passed the gates of BrightsBurg, they were nearing a pillager outpost. They anxiously speed-walked past it, as to not raise any suspicion. They pulled out a map, not much bigger than their head.

"I've gotta go past the desert... then through a really mountain-y area. Which would be to my... left.* Omen bit their tongue anxiously.
"Great. My mouth tastes like blood."
Omen made an L with their left hand, then started walking. The desert wasn't very big, if you got to the top of the highest sand mound you'd probably be able to see the grassy mountain area nearby. Other than the giant hole in Omen's chest, they were in pretty good health. The only reason they needed these meds were for keeping their vitals steady and easing the pain.

Omen felt a sharp pain in their chest and winced. They were starting to get annoyed by all of the little pains they got from moving around too much. It made them angry to feel this weak all the time.

Omen finally got to step off the sand and onto some fresh grass. There was a small herd of four or five sheep nearby. They figured they'd just lay down for a moment, they didn't wanna strain themself.

The grass was soft. And the breeze was crisp. For a moment, for the first time, it felt like everything was gonna be okay. Omen's eyelids felt heavy. It was so pleasant out, a nap was definitely in order. So that's exactly what they did.

Final Life, Experiment 34. Where stories live. Discover now