
17 4 1

6:00am next morning

TP: " come on guys we have to go to Fox 8 studios"
KP: "we've had this convo"
TP: "soz"
*in fox studios*
Mandy: "so you guys made it"
TP: "um yes"
Mandy: "oh..where's rob?"
*comes out of Table Persons mouth*
Rob: "here"
Mandy: "let's get you in your costume"
*Rob and Table Person in costume*
TP: "it's a little tight now it wasn't before"
Mandy: "it's supposed to be like that"
TP: "oh"
Mandy: "well, let's go practice and this time... With other people."
Rob: *screams historically*
Mandy: "scary... I know"

*practicing on stage*
Mandy: "right, now rob hug Table Person"
*Rob and Table Person awkwardly side hug*
Mandy: "more girly"
*does duckface*
Mandy: "that's perfect, right girls thats a wrap"
TP: "so where do you want to go now we don't have to come back until 6 "
KP: "we go and see the elephant election"
TP: "what happens there?"
KP: "apparently there are two elephants then they play scissors, paper, rock to determine if they are president of America and if not the president then they get carried away by an eagle"
Rob: *gets Starbucks Coffee and throws it on Kawaii Potato's face as well as the cup*
TP: "no! It's only good when I do it"
*Table Person slaps Rob with a fisherman*
TP: "you grandma!"
KP: "oh!! Wanna stand on top of the Statue of Liberty and imitate on what you'll sound like if she inhaled helium"
*on top of lady liberty*
KP: "OI guys look at this" *high pitched* "I'm a weird blue greenish lady who stands in the middle of water holding a torch."
*they all laugh*
Guard: "OI! What are you doing up there? Come down here so I can smack you with a cactus"
Rob: "yay! Cookies!"
*rob jumps down and still is alive some how*
*guard beats him with cactus*
*Kawaii Potato and Table Person jumps down after guard left*
KP: "how was the cookies?"
Rob: "it tasted like blood"
KP: "There's only 5 minutes till the show starts come on..."
*unicorn appears on cloud*
Rob: "hey Bobert"
KP: "ok..."
*rides on unicorn to fox studios*
Mandy: "oh good you guys are here..
*gives them costumes*
*puts it on*
Mandy:" Rob, Table Person your up in 5...9...8...2...1... Go! Go!"
*Rob and Table Person walk like models, stops walking and they both awkwardly side hug with duckfaces*
*Comes back to Mandy and Kawaii Potato*
Mandy: "that was perfect! Proud guys just take a seat till they announce the awards"

Host: "and the last award goes to for the most beautiful carrot is.... Kim Cashadian! And now for the most beautiful awkward side hug goes to.... Rob and Table Person!"
*rob and Table Person come up on stage and grabs the award*
Rob: *sobs* "um... Hehe sorry"
TP: "your mascara is running down your face"
*rob fans his face*
Rob: "um I'd just like to say... THANK YOU come on Kawaii Potato we're outie"
*teleports back home*

Dubstep Squids Series 1 Episode 2Where stories live. Discover now