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Hey guys, I started writing this a long, long time ago but just added a chapter and am feeling a lot more inspired to finish it! 

So I'm going to be posting the first chapter again, hopefully you guys enjoy and please let me know if you do so I get motivated to keep writing it!! 

Thank you guys, hope you enjoy 


Coming home after a long day is the best feeling, being surrounded by the people you love and the environment that comforts you. Listening to the light conversation of your family or the television tuned into your favorite show.  Being cuddled up in a fluffy blanket and your most comfortable pajamas. Or even just the ability to breath and live without being watched by everyone around you, being isolated and safe from everything.

Except Louis' never gotten that. Maybe it's his fault for never letting his walls down and confide in his family about things that go on in his life, or maybe it's that he's too shy and anxious to do anything about it. Or maybe it's his families fault for not making him feel safe enough to announce these issues.

See, Louis' family is big and he's caught in the dead center of it. His parents, Alison and Darren Tomlinson, are both very successful in their fields and are somehow still completely in love, Louis doesn't understand how 26 years of marriage and 6 kids haven't pushed them apart yet. His mom is a lawyer and seems to hold Louis to the highest level of perfection, that even his seemingly perfect siblings wouldn't be able to reach if they tried, let alone Louis who is decidedly less-perfect than any of them. His dad, on the other hand seems to not care much about Louis' life unless it relates to love or money, neither of which Louis is good at attaining.

Gracen, is Louis' oldest sister, she's 20 and somehow already extremely successful. She's in college for fashion and is already widely known through her social media's and successes. She is tall, lean, and sets every beauty standard as well as seemingly being able to handle criticism and hate, which Louis can't do.  She's engaged to a guy she met when she was 18, Parker Kiltson, who is a widely known movie producer. Basically, her life is set out for her, even at her young age.

Nolan isn't as successful as Gracen, but that's also because he only just left for college, with a full scholarship because of his grades, but he's definitely earned his mom's favoritism from following her footsteps in law school. More specifically criminal law. He's the man Louis wishes he could be, he gorgeous, tall, strong, smart, and charming. He often goes from girl to girl, which would be his only flaw, but even then, the girls he brings home to his mom and dad are always the 'girl next door' stereotype fulfilled.

Then the twins. They are only 15 and yet somehow seem to overrule Louis in every aspect of life.  Adrien and Adelia, they are the two athlete's in the family. Adrien plays football, and is starting on varsity as a freshmen this year, which is almost unheard of. He doesn't get the best grades, although they are all at least B's,  but because he is already being scouted for college, mom and dad can overlook that small issue. Adelia is on the varsity cheerleading team, and on top of that she is in two different clubs and gets all A's. They both have so many friends that it's hard to keep track of and they are the 'golden twins' of their grade.

The baby of the family is Rowan, who just turned 13. He's possibly the sweetest kid you could ever meet, even knee deep in teenage hormones he is an angel on earth. Everyone falls in love with Rowan from the first smile he sends their way and the love only grows once they get to know him. He also is incredibly smart and talented at football.

Then there's Louis, he's 17, get's a mix of B's and C's in school, doesn't play any sports, has never had a girlfriend, has no actual friends, and is incredibly shy.  It's not that he doesn't try, he really does, nothing just comes easy to him. He studies constantly but can't seem to retain any of the information, he tried to play soccer and lacrosse as a kid but could never get into it. He is too introverted to go out of his way to make friends, and during school he is too anxious to return any conversation another student may start with him. And he doesn't understand why he's this way when all of his siblings seem to have everything under control.

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