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We became middle school students and got closer to each other, enough to share secrets.

You were naturally intelligent so you didn't have to study a lot to get good grades but you were really careless and lazy when it came to studying which sometimes affected your grades.

Your parents never pressurized you about being a top student but they didn't want you to continue ignoring the responsibilities so they made you study with me every weekend.

Niether did my parents push me to study hard but I wanted to keep maintaining my image as the ace of the school so I worked hard to be at the top every time.

You hated physics and chemistry the most so those were the subjects which I had to make you study more but in an easier way so you would do well.

Sometimes I pushed myself too hard to study and got stressed out but you being my stress reliever were there to cheer me up.

Whenever you scored well in physics and chemistry, I used to treat you to your favourite vanilla ice cream. I never understood why you liked the plain flavour when there was a variety available. "I don't know...I just think that its sweetness is perfect for me" that's what you replied everytime I asked you the reason.

MEMORIA | Lee HeeseungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora