“ Are you serious right now??! You said it just now!! Well- not now but when you were pissed about coming for nothing!”

Crap, was I careless and said something I shouldn’t have-

“Well whatever. It doesn’t matter- I didn’t mean any of that,” obviously she didn’t believe me and began to smirk.

“I think you did mean it Zeldris ~ maybe you do like her after all! OH MY GOD !! This is great!” 

“Stop spouting nonsense. I don’t like her and never will. I may have accepted her as a friend but this as far as it will go” 

Gelda frowned and crossed her arms. She didn’t look happy about what I had said. But come on, she can’t force me to like someone….

“Okay. fine. But do tell me why you had hoped she would be here?” 

“I wasn’t hoping, you just happened to mention her and I didn’t realise what I was saying-”

“You make no sense. If you don’t care then you wouldn’t have said that,” she kept pushing. I swear to god she’s so persistent.


Gelda widened her eyes, but I was too angry and pissed about her nagging me about my feelings towards Y/n that I didn’t realise what I had just said. 

“Zeldris you-”

“If this isn’t caring then I don't know what it is!”

This is beyond madness. I mean there’s no way I like this extremely shy goddess- well she’s kinda cute when she’s blushing and shy- 

Oh MY GOD this is besides the point Zeldris!

I wanted to get out of this situation, this was driving me insane. I summoned my wings, I was about to take off but of course Gelda wouldn’t let me go. She grabbed me by the arms and restrained me. 

Damn was she strong. 

“Damn it! Let go of me before I make you! I’ve had enough of your assumptions!”

I was about to grab my sword but before I could grab it, she took it from my sword holder, pushed me to the ground and pointed the tip of my sword near my eyes. I was too shocked to move. 

“Will you listen to me damn it!?”  

My eyes widened, seeing how serious Gelda was being. “I don’t know what’s going on inside your head, so all I can do is infer, but to me it sounds like you do care about Y/N! You just don’t want to believe it….” Gelda’s voice trailed off. “From what you’ve said….it sounds like you’ve gained feelings for her,”

My eyes flickered from their black to my emerald green eyes. For some reason, Gelda’s words made me feel powerless and my face felt hot. She smirked. “Goddess got your tongue?” she teased me, winking playfully. 

“S-stop spouting nonsense!” I shook my head. Gelda almost looked sad. With a loud audible sigh, she spoke: “You’re hopeless,” Gelda muttered. 

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