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1 week Later...

A week had passed since the fateful night you had joined the Port Mafia. Becoming both the new executive and Chuuya's newest partner, pleasing you greatly and displeasing him plenty in the process. As you had nowhere to live, you had been given residence inside the Port Mafia's buildings not too far from your own office, which was only 2 floors above. It was early morning, and you found yourself looking into the mirror to see how the new outfit looked on you.

Wearing your usual plain black choker, then a wine red button-up shirt that sleeves stopped just before your elbows: that was underneath your black vest. Your pants were also a matching black to your vest, and to finish the look, you had some black low arch shoes. Looking to the door, you sigh a little out of boredom, only to soon head out towards your office, expecting yet another dull day of paperwork. It wasn't long until you reached the door with your name on it, 'Executive y/n, nice ring to it really,' you think to yourself as you open the door, not knowing what was waiting inside.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" you hear a familiar voice asking you aggressively, only to see Chuuya sitting in your office chair. "I've been waiting here for an hour!" he shouts at you in a frustrated tone as he continues to frown at you. Ignoring him, you walk over, only to pause for a moment in front of the chair facing him, then an idea forms.

"Oh, but Chuuya, you could have woken me up: I'm sure waking up to the sight of you would be nice," you playfully tell him with a mischievous grin. As you start to walk around your desk to get closer to him, the glares only intensifying. Until finally, you sit onto the desk right in front of him, "Since you're sat there, I guess I'll just have to sit here on the desk," you gleefully tell him. As you start to notice a slight blush on his frustrated face: while he looks away from you. "What was it that you needed from me anyway?" you decide to ask him, looking behind him: out the window to the scenery outside.

Chuuya stands up and looks at you with a frown. "Stop being a pain in the ass: we got a job to do tonight: Boss wants us to take down a gifted organisation," he finally explains to you, as he starts to make his way towards the door, almost forgetting his hat was right next to you still. He turns on his heels to quickly try to get his hat before you do but fails to get it in time.

You turn to face him, waving the hat in the air a little as if trying to taunt him. Putting on his hat on yourself, you smirk at him as he just gives you a look of annoyance. "So what do you think: hats aren't my kinda thing but does it suit me?" you ask him, as he just folds his arms and continues to glare at you. "No? Oh, a shame really," you complain, taking the hat off and placing it onto his head. "If looks could kill, you would have killed me so many times just today alone, with that glaring of yours," you state, jumping off the desk and putting your hands into the pockets of your pants. Chuuya walks out of the room and in a sour mood no doubt, leaving you all alone to get some more boring paperwork to do until your first mission.

Retreating to your desk chair, you pick up the first paperwork on the pile, sighing in the process. 'Hopefully, this mission will be my saving grace from this boredom...' you think as you start to make your way through the papers. In the end, it wasn't long until you grew bored of the work and decided to leave for a stroll. Standing up, you walk towards the door: just as you open the door, you turn around and smirk a little. "Do keep up the work," you say, closing the door. Finally, you reach the main lobby of the building and leave until Chuuya needs you for that mission.

Later in the day...

Most of the day has been wasted with you exploring the streets of Yokohama, despite having been in Yokohama for weeks you hadn't had the chance to really explore. The sun was now setting, which meant you had to make your way back for your mission. Your only problem was that you had gotten yourself lost: you knew you were at a place called Yamashita Park. Soon you took notice of a statue, walking over to it only to stop just in front of it, 'Guardian of water,' it read.

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