2: Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Começar do início

Yoongi tutted his tongue, putting his long fingers into the pockets of his pants. His searing black gaze looking you over as if you were a poorly plated steak. Like he could still eat you, but wasn't sure it was worth it. Namjoon on the other hand nodded in greeting, blinking his eyes leisurely, as if he had just woken from a nap. "Nice to meet you, Y/n." He rumbled in a tired, gravelly tone.

"Oh uh.. Nice to meet you guys too." You gave them as friendly a smile as you could under the strained circumstances, reaching out your hand to shake his.

Namjoon hesitated a moment, but took your hand into his much larger one, nearly swallowing it whole in his fisted paw. You had to choke back a shocked exclamation over how huge he was close up. When his hand finally released yours, you gathered yourself back together before reaching for Yoongi's hand, waiting expectantly as he stared at the gesture. Long moments passed before he sighed in resignation and with a much softer motion than expected, shook your hand curtly before it vanished back into his pocket.

"Well! That was warm and fuzzy!" The annoying secretary giggled, causing the two men to roll their eyes simultaneously, making you force back a laugh over the action. Even on such a serious mission, you could tell having them around might not be too bad.

'No! What are you thinking? This is only temporary.'

"Oh! Here come a few more." The woman grinned, leaning forward more in her squeaky rolling chair for a better look. "Jeez, you got all the good ones, huh?"

As you turned your attention past Namjoon and Yoongi, you had to admit, you kind of did. Striding in were three more beautiful hybrids. You instantly recognized Jimin and his halo of platinum blonde hair with his cheeky, overly confident grin you witnessed in the enclosures. Beside him was a much taller, broad shouldered light brunette. His almond eyes were kind but watchful, roaming the hallway like an animal in the wild. Trailing behind them, followed by a security guard, was a third male. Tall with golden brown tresses peeking out from under a white bucket hat. You could see his long spotted, semi-blonde tail just behind the oversized feather down jacket, instantly letting you know who he was. Hoseok.

You shyly waved, this time quickly introducing yourself to them while Milly stood back, anxiously watching the hallway that must lead to the kennels on the basement level.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys. I guess I'll be taking you home with me today." You grinned awkwardly, gauging their reactions to you. Which, given how animated they became, wasn't too hard.

"Hello." The broad shouldered one smiled sweetly, taking your hand and kissing it with a small purr. "My name is Jin."

Ignoring the fact that you probably turned as red as a tomato, you nodded and was about to turn to Hoseok-who was standing apart from the group-but Jimin leaned in, quickly appearing in your bubble.

"Nice to meet you, cutie." He smirked, leaning closer to your face until you were perfectly flushed from head to toe and could distinctly hear him take a big inhale before a smile broke out over his face. Without warning, the blonde pressed his plump lips to your ear, his breath tickling your skin as his whispered tone graced your eardrum. "You smell like milk, miss." He chuckled, leaning away to join the line up.

Your skin must have become radioactive, overheating. Unsure of how much more you could take, you cleared your throat and turned to Hoseok once again who seemed hesitant to approach.

Opting to nod his head in greeting, he shuffled nervously. "I'm Hoseok." He stated simply, leaving no room for idle conversation.

"Well, I'm happy to meet you, Hoseok." Noting Milly's anxious fidgeting, you turned to the secretary who was openly ogling your new group of hybrids. "How much longer until the rest get here?"

SeVen UncagedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora