Chapter 7: Bright idea
A thought bubble popped into my abnormal mind. If I manage to escape the clinic, I manage to escape prison and I escape from the real world into my bubble of calm and quiet. Then it hit me. Do it. Leave this treacherous place and find peace for yourself. I don't need someone to take the next step with me because I can do it on my own. I've done it on my own once before and I can do it now. Rapidly removing each cord from my palms to my toes, I found myself gasping for air. What was I doing? A question I ask myself time and time again. As the sun met the grass, I was 4 steps behind the sliding glass doors. 4 more to go and I was out of here. Out of the vile torture I had gone through. In the fire. In the hospital. In prison. It would all disappear as I had. There I went. The tranquil breeze pleasingly struck my face and sent my dark locks sideways. Golden rays of sunshine hit the hill I was standing on and I had felt freedom for the first time in months. The pearl petals on the beautiful flowers swirled with the wind and the clouds formed into a heart shape. Trees danced and blades of grass shifted side to side. My eyes had twinkled once again and not a thought of worry had burst into my head. I was hit with euphoria. I had managed to answer that question I had been asking myself for years. I was doing the right thing. The right step on the path to my happiness. And I was a quarter of the way there. It was lively.
Chapter 8: Freedom
If this is what real freedom was, then I longed for it to be never-ending. Dashing down the hill to explore more of what I missed most, I find myself following a queer path leading to an unknown place. Before I could take another step, a blurry figure a few meters in front of me started digging in the ground. Seconds later, a polished key poked out from the mud. A very unique key. It had ancient Latin engraved into it without a speck of dust touching it. This was surprising given the fact it had been just in the dirt. All of sudden, the strange person hysterically wailed for a few seconds then rapidly pushed the strange key into a wooden door with nothing in front, around or behind it. Then he had opened the mysterious door and disappeared into thin air. Was I going mad or did he just disappear? Poof be gone. The tawny key was nowhere to be found and neither was the unusual silhouette that dug for this time-worn key. Confused, I steadily walk towards the unknown door to nowhere and keep myself at a stable pace. Of course, I wasn't free from this endless series of events, because that's just my life!
Keeping my eyes bouncing off from the hole dug in the ground to the door, I finally reach my destination and simply set my gaze at this 'door'. Why was it just in the middle of nowhere? Why was I in the middle of nowhere?
My still fingertips slowly curve around the handle and I grip tightly.
The bitterness gave a refreshed feeling to my sweaty palms.
Still and steady, I turned the knob to reveal a luminous, blinding light emitting rays of radiation.
It went right through me like lightning through clouds.
I flinched theatrically and flung my arms in front of my face, blocking the shining glow.
Squinched my eyes for protection and gradually stepped through the creaking, wooden door.
Chapter 9: Magic
Opening my eyes, I find myself in front of a gargantuan palace with those same Latin carvings on the door.
It was floating up in the air. And so was I. Ricky was standing at the front of the palace, running his soft fingers over the engravings, memorised by the polished specks of gold in the corners. He was wearing a crisp suit with his hair slicked back ever so neatly. The real thing that amazed me was that he knew how to tie his tie.
"Ricky!" I yelled as it echoed off the alabaster clouds.
By the time my shout echoed back to me, he had turned around and given a warm, welcoming smile.
"Welcome to Ories," chuckled Ricky, giving a hand gesture for me to walk through the ancient doors.
Ories? What was Ories?
He turned the rusty handles and casually pulled the two joint doors open for me to walk in.
Chapter 10: Mother
A wrinkled woman with fine lines sketched into her skin moderately stepped towards me with a blank but filled with fury face at me.
"Ricky. Why would you bring the girl here! We were supposed to take her from Briny lakeside!"
murmured the middle-aged hag.
"I didn't bring her! She came on her own because I think she saw me go through the portal," explained Ricky while giving an apologetic look on his face to me.
"Great. Now she thinks we're psycho kidnappers out to get her!"  Said the old witch.
"W-who are you?" I mumbled to myself, although she still heard.
"Oh honey, you don't remember me? I'm Sonia, your mother," smiled Sonia.
What was going on? My mother is Martha Johnson, not this Sonia girl.
"I wanted to find you at Briny lakeside and tell you who I was so we could come back to Ories, through the portal and live together forever." blurted Sonia, while giving a deathly stare with an abnormal smile stretched across her face.
The wind was a torrent of darkness on the other side of the polished glass windows and the moon shone radiance at my eyes. '
I couldn't help but drift off into the world where I was dancing with the trees and the alabaster puffs of cloud formed hearts in the azure sky.
That was heaven.
Chapter 11: Ravine
Distracted by the twilight airspace, I began to step towards to window, curious about the patterns of the rain.
Clambering through the window, the lighting outside was a menace to the earth. A menace of the sky. Its hands flung to the ground, causing the dust to scoop its way out of the incarceration. Its beak poked at the clouds and clawed its way through the sky. The threatening tunes grew louder then the downpour and giant rain plummeted to the tempestuous, cobalt waves of the sea. He hurried slow and steadied himself.
Then, snow dived into the grass, causing the blades to freeze to a crisp. Icicles formed and the luminescent, eternal deep parted itself, somehow creating a
pathway. Instantaneously, the threatening tunes were no longer 'him'. It was the rumble of the earth. The quacking. The shivering. The ground signalling its pain and resentment toward mankind. In the blink of my twitching eye, a fissure was devised in the blizzard. A crack. A crevasse had been established and there was no more area left to walk on except for the track created for me. There was no ground left. Just the floating door, and the narrow trail leading me to my downfall...
Chapter 12: On thin ice
Follow the path and ignore your wrath.
Keep calm and hold the bomb. The bomb was hidden in my heart...
3:05 am
Snow fell before me and the ice bit away like mosquitoes. I had no option. Death or death.
I'd been balancing for hours to finally reach the end. But then it hit me. I'm still in Ories. I'm still trapped. My mutter of pure acceptance echoed. It was strange. Walking on, I notice I'm in a forest. The around nature was bitten away by the bleak frost. Nothing but trees and rocks and the sound of bees were lost.
I couldn't hear myself even think it was too quiet.
Life in this place was too quiet and it left me agitated and palpitant.
Trembling from the cold, I seldom managed to dare open my eyes while walking onwards.
I wanted to look out for signs of life behind the looming trees, but there was no clue as to if there was a town or city behind. Just nothingness. Nothing. No one. Nobody. Just me and the frigid blizzard all alone. I was on thick ice, to the point where I was trodding carelessly through the snow, kicking it behind me at the stones. I trudged on, keeping an eye out for some form of a world behind those thresholds. I stood still, like a toy sitting on a glass table. I felt a certain pain that no sentient being could endure. It was helpless - having to go on and endeavour this journey to doom. Embarking on, I realise I'm no longer in the snow and near the mountains - I'm on the mountains. I sectioned off into the hills and didn't realise I was no longer enclosed by several towering trees. Advancing through the wood and mountains, a shock of frostbite caught at me and I shivered intensely, closing my eyes to distract myself from the bitter pain. "I am going to die here.."
Chapter 13:  We all fall down
I stumble in my tracks and hesitate to turn my body around, despite the fact that my body is freezing.
I see his warm and mesmerising smile of Ricky and slowly start to walk up to him.
"Oh! I'm so glad to see you!"
I pulled him in for a close hug and as I did..he pierced a keen injection violently into my thigh and said!
"Night night Butterfly.." he chuckled.
Falling to my knees, my body gets colder than ever and blood seeps out of my mouth, advancing down my icy skin.
I start to gag, my eyes twitching and blinking repeatedly, trying to find something to grasp before I choke to death.
Ricky then comes closer. And closer. And closer.
He kisses my cheek, already stained with blood and whispers in my ear with his hand against my neck,
"Try not to choke darling. Mother insists."
I stare at him furiously, falling and then hitting my head against his hand.
"I am going to die here.."
I couldn't stop saying that in my head.
"I am going to die here.."
And everything..and everyone.. go black.
And a faint memory is left of when I was the snow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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